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Top Sniper Spots in VALORANT

Mastering Aim and Positioning in VALORANT

In VALORANT, having strong aim is crucial, but it’s not enough to guarantee success. While being able to out-aim your opponents may work in lower ranks, higher-level players will start outsmarting you. That’s why it’s important to also focus on positioning and map knowledge.

Each VALORANT map has unique designs that can greatly impact your strategies. Simply relying on aim won’t be enough if you approach your enemies from disadvantageous angles. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the different map layouts and use them to your advantage.

Utilizing Sniper Rifles and Knowing Peek Spots

Knowing the peek spots and angles on each map will help you anticipate where enemies will be. Sniper rifles like the Operator can be especially effective in taking advantage of these spots, allowing you to eliminate enemies before they even realize what’s happening.

When peeking, make sure to position yourself far back from the corner. This way, you can see the enemy before they see you. If you miss your shot, don’t hesitate to switch to your pistol and consider changing positions to stay alive.

Memorize Callouts for Better Gameplay

Being familiar with the callouts in VALORANT is crucial for effective communication and strategy. Make sure to memorize the names and locations of different spots on the map mentioned in this article. This will help you visualize the areas and understand where enemies might be hiding or approaching from.

The Best Sniper Rifle Spots on Each Map


Ascent is set in Venice, Italy, and features two bombsites. Here are some of the best sniper rifle spots:

The A Bombsite Peek

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The A bombsite peek offers a great angle that covers the orb. It’s a common area for attackers to rush early on in the game. Position yourself a couple of steps behind the vision-line to have an advantage while also considering the possibility of attackers having a good angle on you. Listen for footsteps before you peek and retreat if you hear multiple players approaching.

The Mid/Catwalk Peek

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Controlling the middle area is crucial on Ascent. By holding the mid/catwalk area, you can force attackers to make difficult decisions and limit their options. This puts you and your team at an advantage. Practice your positioning and take advantage of this area’s strategic value.

The Market Peek

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The market is a popular rotation area on Ascent. Holding down this point of interest will help corner your opponents and limit their movements. Be cautious of getting too close to the market gates, as attackers may throw smokes inside. Maintain a distance that allows you to have a good view while minimizing the risk of being exposed.

The B Bombsite Peek

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Defending the B bombsite can be challenging, but there are multiple spots that give you a good advantage. Use the wall close to B’s main corner to safely peek the entrance doors and quickly eliminate enemies. This spot offers an excellent angle for precise shots.


Bind is a smaller map without a fully-fledged midway. Here are the best sniper rifle spots:

The A Short Peek

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U-Hall provides the best layout to peek at A short with minimal risk of getting cornered. If U-Hall feels unsafe, you can quickly rotate to the small gap next to Tetris. Make sure to cover Showers as well to prevent breaches.

The B Short Peek

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Bombsite B offers multiple areas where you can cover the various angles attackers might push from. The back or inside of the tube is the ideal peeking spot to watch both Hookah and Garden. With enough practice, you can effectively hold off enemies rushing from these areas.

The B Long Peek

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Peeking B long is risky, but if you’re going to do it, do it through Garden. While the angle from Garden is narrow, it provides enough space to retreat if needed. Be cautious as the enemies will be prepared for subsequent peeks.


Haven is the only VALORANT map with three bombsites. Here are the best sniper rifle spots:

The Bombsite A Peek

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Assuring map control at the start is crucial in Haven. The corner leading to the A long is a common stop for bombsite A rushers. It provides an excellent peeking angle, which you can utilize by jiggle peeking. Jiggle peeking involves repeatedly strafing left and right while peeking an angle to make yourself harder to hit and avoid exposing your entire body to rushing enemies.

The Bombsite B Showdown

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Bombsite B in Haven offers great angles for snipers. Climbing up to the boxes inside the bombsite and peeking the window can give you the advantage in taking down enemies. However, remember that you’ll also be an easy target, so make your shots count.

The Bombsite C Classic

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Bombsite C in Haven has excellent angles for sniping. Utilize the gigantic box in the middle of the bombsite as natural cover for peeking C Long. Additionally, the boxes located to the left and right of the big one offer narrower angles that may be safer since you’ll expose less of yourself.


Icebox joined the VALORANT map rotation in Act III. Here are the best sniper rifle spots:

The Boiler Peek

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Holding down the mid-portion of the map is essential in Icebox. The boiler ramp provides an advantageous peek that can change the outcome of a game. However, make sure to have some level of protection, as enemies may advance through the sides and corner you. Keep an eye on the minimap to be aware of your teammates’ positions and adjust yours accordingly.

The Snowmen of Bombsite B

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Bombsite B in Icebox is quite open and spacious, but the snowmen area provides good cover for peeking. Position yourself next to the small snowman, and if needed, quickly move towards the one in the back to adjust to unexpected rushes. Be aware of your surroundings and make your shots count.


Split is a classic VALORANT map known for its corridors. Here are the best sniper rifle spots:

The B Site Chill Lounge

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Defending the bombsite B with a sniper rifle requires patience in Split. The giant billboard filled with pieces of paper offers good cover for peeking at B main entrance. Position yourself near the stairs for easy rotations if needed. Holding B main effectively allows your team to focus resources elsewhere and secure rounds with ease.

The Mid Vent

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Mid plays a vital role on Split, and defenders have a strong spot to hold off the mid side area with a peek in Mid Vent. This position provides a direct line of sight to Top Mid and Bottom Mid, which attackers frequently cross over to rotate. Utilize the staircase in Mid Mail for better positioning and to hold off enemies coming from A sewer.

The A Main Spawn Peek

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Getting early-game kills can secure your team’s dominance. Attackers have a direct access to bombsite A from their spawn, and you can hold them off by peeking from the A-main area. This spot is just outside the bombsite A, allowing you to rotate easily if needed. Make your shots count since attackers can close the gap quickly.

To become a formidable VALORANT player, focus on developing your aim, understanding map layouts, and utilizing strategic peek spots. With practice and game sense, you’ll be able to dominate matches and climb the ranks.