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Top Map Picks for Deadlock in VALORANT

If you love playing VALORANT and are looking for a new agent to main, get ready for Deadlock. Deadlock is the latest addition to Riot Games’ ever-expanding roster of characters in the popular shooter game.

As a dedicated Cypher main, I’ve been searching for another agent that can provide strong site lockdown abilities. Deadlock’s high-tech skills are perfect for this, thanks to her collection of nanowire technology.

Deadlock’s abilities can be used in various ways on different maps in VALORANT. She excels in areas where she can shut down advances, whether it’s using her Barrier Mesh to prevent fast-moving agents from entering a site, her Sonic Sensor to catch enemies off-guard, her GravNet to slow down enemies during a push, or her ultimate ability to isolate an unsuspecting opponent from their team.

However, Deadlock may struggle to find targets in more open areas, where enemies have ample space to dodge her lockdown skills. She thrives in sites and areas with narrow entryways and indoor spaces.

Best VALORANT maps for Deadlock


Deadlock is a good pick for the A site on Fracture. She can block off A main and A hall with her Barrier Mesh, GravNet, or catch enemies off-guard with her Sonic Sensor. The enemy team will have limited escape routes, funneling them into her teammates’ crosshairs. B site, however, may be a tougher hold due to its openness and susceptibility to flanking. Deadlock is best placed on the A site.


Split offers many close-quarter situations, making it easier for Deadlock to hold down chokepoints. Her Barrier Mesh is particularly effective in mid where there are tight corners and limited space to maneuver. Deadlock will dominate any team rushing through B garage or B heaven, as her GravNet and Sonic Sensor can overwhelm uncoordinated teams in narrow corridors and small rooms. A site provides more room for attackers, but Deadlock can still force rushing squads into unfavorable situations by locking down A ramp with her abilities.


Deadlock can stall out attackers in various chokepoints on Ascent, such as A main, A tree, B main, and mid. Her area-of-effect abilities work well in these tight areas, especially when combined with other abilities like Brimstone’s ultimate or Raze’s Showstopper. Deadlock should avoid using her abilities in mid, as it offers wide sightlines for longer-range encounters. Other than that, she can hold down a site by herself while her teammates roam.


Haven has longer-range sightlines in areas like C long or the mid courtyard. However, Deadlock can stop rushing teams in their tracks when heading through any of the sites. A site is her best hold, as she can dominate both entrances with a barrier or trap, whether enemies are pushing through A long or A sewer. B site is also viable, but if the spike is planted successfully, Deadlock’s utility may be limited. Holding C garage offers great potential for Deadlock, as a well-placed GravNet or Sonic Sensor can decimate an entire squad in the small space.


Although Deadlock may face challenges if enemies set foot on the site, she can hold certain spots on Bind relatively easily. She can slow down a push through B hookah or B garden, as enemies must pass through these areas to access the site. On A, she can stall out the enemy squad by using her abilities in A short and A showers, which are chokepoints that can be clogged with Deadlock’s abilities and those of her teammates. However, she must not let enemies onto the site, as there will be numerous angles to worry about.

Overall, Deadlock brings a new dimension to VALORANT with her strong site lockdown abilities. Players who enjoy playing sentinels and want to excel in areas with narrow entryways and indoor spaces should definitely give Deadlock a try.

VALORANT, Deadlock, agent, lockdown abilities, site, abilities, player, map, Fracture, Split, Ascent, Haven, Bind