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Top agents to pair with Deadlock in VALORANT

Armed with powerful abilities and intimidating voice lines, Deadlock is the fifth agent in VALORANT’s lineup. She has a unique and strong presence on the battlefield, making her a great partner for many Protocol agents.

Deadlock’s kit can create powerful plays when paired with certain agents, allowing for easy and satisfying frags. With her dynamic abilities, she can aggressively support her allies and unleash deadly combos on opponents. By building an optimal team composition with Deadlock, you can effortlessly decimate your enemies.

To help you find the perfect agent to pair with Deadlock, I’ve gathered key insights from hours of early access footage. Here are some of the best agents to play with Deadlock in VALORANT.


Raze is the best agent to pair with Deadlock. Her high damage potential combined with Deadlock’s abilities can decimate enemies. Use Deadlock’s GravNet to slow down enemies and force them to crouch, then let Raze wreak havoc with her bombs. Additionally, you can use Deadlock’s Barrier Mesh to trap enemies and follow up with Raze’s explosive abilities.


While Deadlock may not have great chemistry with Gekko outside the battlefield, they can still make a powerful team. Use Gekko’s Dizzy to blind enemies caught in Deadlock’s GravNet, or combine Gekko’s Mosh Pit with GravNet or Barrier Mesh for a devastating effect. Deadlock’s Annihilation can also be used to extract detained enemies protected by their allies.


Brimstone, the veteran founder of VALORANT Protocol, is another great partner for Deadlock. Combine Brimstone’s smokes with Deadlock’s GravNet or Barrier Mesh to eliminate enemies. Use Brimstone’s abilities to fry enemies caught in Deadlock’s barriers.


Breach is an excellent initiator and can synergize well with Deadlock. Use Breach’s abilities to block targets and support Deadlock’s Annihilation. Combine Breach’s FlashPoint with Deadlock’s GravNet to effectively blind enemies.


Deadlock’s Barrier Mesh becomes incredibly tough when combined with Harbor’s abilities. Use Harbor’s Cove or High Tide to deny enemies critical space. Combine Deadlock and Harbor’s abilities for aggressive plays or retakes.


If you want to make Deadlock’s Barrier Mesh even stronger, pair her with Sage. Sage’s Barrier Orb can further boost the toughness of Deadlock’s barriers, making it difficult for enemies to break through. Sage’s Slow Orb can also be combined with Deadlock’s Annihilation to prevent enemies from dodging her abilities.


Sova’s reconnaissance abilities can provide valuable intel for Deadlock. Use Sova’s Shock Bolt and Hunter’s Fury to complement Deadlock’s GravNet. Perform ultimate combos by targeting a space with Hunter’s Fury and Annihilation.

While these agents are recommended, Deadlock’s versatile kit allows for creative playstyles. Experiment and find a partner agent that suits your style. Play around with Deadlock and discover new strategies to dominate in VALORANT.

VALORANT, Deadlock, agents, Raze, Gekko, Brimstone, Breach, Harbor, Sage, Sova