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Top Agents for Countering Gekko in VALORANT

How to Beat Gekko in VALORANT

Gekko is a new agent in VALORANT Episode Six, Act Two, and you’ll be encountering him frequently in your unrated and competitive games. It’s important to know how to counter him to secure victory.

Gekko is an initiator who uses creatures with special abilities. His abilities include Dizzy, a flash that blinds multiple opponents, Wingman, which can stun opponents or plant/defuse the spike, Mosh Pit, a deadly molly, and Thrash, an ultimate that detains enemy players. Except for Mosh Pit, all abilities can be picked up and used again in the same round.

At first, Gekko may seem overpowered, but there are ways to counter him. Gunfire and damage-dealing abilities can destroy Dizzy, Wingman, and Thrash. While Mosh Pit deals significant damage in a wide area, it can be avoided.

  • Related: Best agents to pair with Gekko in VALORANT

If you want to effectively neutralize Gekko, consider using these agents in VALORANT.

Best Gekko Counters in VALORANT


A close-up of KAYO shooting a massive machine gun.
Image via Riot Games

When it comes to dealing with powerful ability kits, KAY/O is the most viable option. KAY/O’s ZERO/POINT knife and NULL/CMD ultimate won’t completely prevent Gekko from using his abilities, but they are effective in keeping him under control.

Using KAY/O’s knife early on near a crucial chokepoint will stop Gekko from using Dizzy, Wingman, or Mosh Pit at the beginning of the round. This limits Gekko’s ability to create or take space. Additionally, the NULL/CMD ultimate can be used while defending or retaking a site to keep Gekko’s abilities at bay.

Killjoy or Cypher

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Having a sentinel player who knows where to place their utilities is essential in stopping Gekko’s aggression. With Killjoy, you can use Alarmbots and Nanoswarms to deter Gekko from overwhelming a site with his abilities during an execute or retake.

With Cypher, you can slow down Gekko with Trapwires and gather information using the Spy Cam. This allows your teammates to position themselves in areas where they’re less vulnerable to Gekko’s abilities.

Jett, Neon, or Raze

Image via Riot Games

Gekko’s greatest strength is his ability to quickly gain control of space with his creatures. As a counter, using an aggressive entry player who can claim territory first is a smart move. Jett and Neon can create cover and swiftly take space with their enhanced movement mechanics, while Raze can use explosive abilities to keep enemies away and secure space for herself.

VALORANT, Gekko, Gekko counters, KAY/O, Killjoy, Cypher, Jett, Neon, Raze