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This innovative trick counters VALORANT’s pesky ultimate ability

Iso’s Kill Contract: A Powerful Escape and Counter Tool in VALORANT

Iso’s ultimate ability in VALORANT, called Kill Contract, has been met with mixed feelings from the community. However, players are slowly discovering the potential of this contract killer’s interdimensional arena, especially when they find themselves in a sticky situation.

A Reddit post shared by a player named u/EshiEx on November 8 showcased how Iso’s Kill Contract can be effectively used to counter Killjoy’s annoying Lockdown ultimate.

In the video, EshiEx activated Kill Contract just before Killjoy’s Lockdown was about to end while stationed in Ascent’s B Site. This pulled them, along with the enemy Sova, into the safe dimension, allowing them to escape the Detain effect and eliminate the enemy. They returned to the game unscathed and free.

While this maneuver may seem exciting, it’s important to note that you will resurrect at the same point and may be vulnerable to enemies rushing in after Killjoy’s ultimate finishes scanning. To make it safer, EshiEx could have used Kill Contract while in the Boat House for additional cover, but there would still be some risk involved.

If you want to try this counter in VALORANT, don’t hesitate. After all, you’ll be pulling an enemy with you, giving yourself a fair chance to contribute. Your team can take advantage of the man advantage to push the enemy team simultaneously.

Iso’s Kill Contract is perfect for when you find yourself in a situation where you know you can’t escape. It provides a safer one-on-one fight and a chance to avoid being overwhelmed by enemy abilities. Don’t worry about being vulnerable upon resurrection, as you still bring value to the team.

To add to its effectiveness, you can shoot the energy orb after killing the enemy in the arena to activate a Double Tap shield, which protects you from one unit of damage after resurrection. You can also ask your team to defend the site and your body.

Interestingly, Iso’s Kill Contract can help you escape and counter just about any ultimate in VALORANT, including Brimstone’s Orbital Strike, Breach’s Rolling Thunder, Raze’s Showstopper, and more, as long as it is timed correctly. When used properly, Iso can leave your enemies frustrated and outplayed, so make sure to make the most of his kit’s potential.