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These amusing VALORANT tip messages hit a little too close to home

You’re Missing Out on VALORANT Ultimate Abilities? Mock UI Designs Might Help

In the midst of a competitive VALORANT match, you might realize that you haven’t used your ultimate ability even after several rounds. Fortunately, a talented graphic designer on Twitter has created mock additions to VALORANT’s user interface (UI) that could enhance your gameplay or give a gentle reminder to teammates who neglect their utility.

Although these popups aren’t real, they serve as subtle reminders to increase awareness of your own gameplay as well as your teammates’ performance.

Crews Varner, a talented graphic designer, shares witty tips and popups designed to seamlessly blend with VALORANT’s UI.

“You have not used your ultimate in the previous 5 rounds,” reads one of the amusing VALORANT popups. “If you do not use it within the next round, your account will receive a 24-hour ranked suspension.”

Varner’s creations include reminders about individual gameplay, team strategy suggestions, and even more aggressive popups like voting to penalize the player who repeatedly forgets to use utility.

Varner’s creations strike a balance between constructive criticism and lighthearted jabs at the mistakes we’ve all made in Riot’s tactical shooter. The prompts even resemble elements that could seamlessly integrate into the game’s interface.

One of the standout popups created by Varner introduces a new type of barrier, similar to those used during VALORANT’s buy phase. This barrier appears when a team repeatedly adopts the same unsuccessful strategy.

“Your team has attacked this site 7 times with 0 successful round wins,” states a message on the barrier. “This barrier will remain during the next round to encourage attempting another site.”

Wouldn’t it be great if something like this existed for teammates who stubbornly stick to failed strategies without learning from their mistakes?

Another noteworthy popup by Varner acknowledges the often overlooked controller players in VALORANT. These players typically take on less popular roles compared to flashy duelists and initiators. Controllers are often the last agents picked, sometimes leaving teams without essential smokes since nobody wants to play Brimstone for an entire game.

I, for one, would appreciate receiving tips for my excellent smokes and high number of assists in ranked games.

While Varner’s messages may never appear in your actual VALORANT game, they may raise your awareness of mistakes or help you appreciate your teammates better.