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The top-selected agents in VCT EU Challengers unveiled

The Agent Choices in European VALORANT: An Analysis of EU Challengers

The European VALORANT scene is growing rapidly, and the agent choices across the region reflect this development. In this article, we will examine the pick rates for EU Challengers Two and Three, exploring the similarities and differences within Europe. Instead of focusing only on the top teams, we will analyze the entire field of teams that competed in the qualifiers, providing a comprehensive view of agent selection (stats courtesy of

Sova: The Clear Favorite with One Exception

Sova is undoubtedly the most-picked agent across Europe, with an overall pick rate of 75 percent. His pick rates for individual maps are also high: 96 percent on Ascent, 88 percent on Bind and Haven, and 72 percent on Icebox. Sova’s information-gathering abilities make him a top choice for revealing enemy agents and flushing them out of corners.

However, there is one map where Sova is consistently left aside – Split, with a pick rate of just nine percent. The multiple entry points on Split make his recon arrow less useful compared to smokers or flashers. The varying elevation also poses challenges for lining up arrows. Nonetheless, given his popularity on other maps, it’s acceptable for Sova to have a lower pick rate on Split.

Omen, Jett, and Raze: The Top Trio

Omen (72 percent overall), Jett (59.5 percent), and Raze (60.5 percent) are the most consistently picked agents across all maps. While Omen is slightly less popular on Bind and Icebox, he remains a top-two pick on Ascent, Haven, and Split. Raze excels on Bind and Split, where she is the most-picked agent, but she is also a common choice on other maps. Jett is popular across all maps and particularly dominant on Icebox.

Omen’s popularity is no surprise, as he was the top pick for both North American and European teams during First Strike. His versatility makes him a great choice for both lurking and aggressive playstyles. In Europe, Raze shines on Split, taking advantage of her satchel jumps for backstabs, while Jett’s mobility and smoke cover make her a deadly force on any map.

Cypher and Killjoy: The Utility Duo

Cypher (44 percent overall) and Killjoy (46.5 percent overall) form a strong partnership in terms of agent selection. Cypher is commonly chosen on Bind, Haven, and Split, while Killjoy is the go-to pick for Ascent and Icebox. Both agents see some play on all maps, except for Cypher on Icebox, where his pick rate is only 3.5 percent. These sentinels are popular choices for in-game leaders, as their abilities can stall attacking pushes and allow teams to stack other sites.

Sage, Viper, and Reyna: The Ice Queens

Sage (41.5 percent) resides in the second tier of agent picks overall, while Reyna (12 percent) and Viper (8.5 percent) have lower pick rates. However, these numbers change when it comes to Icebox. Sage is the most popular agent on Icebox, with a staggering pick rate of 91.5 percent. Her wall and slow orbs are invaluable for taking sites, particularly the B site. Viper and Reyna also see more play on Icebox compared to other maps. Viper’s toxic screen is useful for safe plantings on B, while Reyna’s flashes have more impact on Icebox than any other map.

Brimstone and Breach: The Niche Brothers

Despite their lower overall pick rates, Brimstone (22 percent) and Breach (37.5 percent) shine on specific maps. Breach is a popular choice for Split, with a 70 percent pick rate. The map’s flasher-friendly design allows Breach’s abilities to excel. Brimstone stands out on Bind, with a 53 percent pick rate. His longer smoke duration and Molotovs are particularly effective for trapping enemies in teleporters, giving him an edge over other smoking controllers.

Skye, Phoenix, and Yoru: The Bottom Choices

Phoenix has a modest pick rate of 10.5 percent in Europe, in contrast to his popularity in North America. Skye receives slightly more attention with a nine percent pick rate, while Yoru is largely ignored with only a one percent pick rate. Skye’s pick rate is marginally higher than Astra, who was not allowed to be used during Challengers. The European meta differs from North America, where triple duelist compositions are prevalent, resulting in fewer Phoenix picks.

These agent pick rates are subject to change as the VALORANT team explores potential buffs for Yoru and with the introduction of Astra. Omen and Brimstone’s pick rates may decline slightly or significantly upon Astra’s debut. Additionally, the introduction of a new map could shift agent preferences once again. All these factors will come into play in the upcoming Masters event, starting on March 12.

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