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Some players are experiencing highly unbalanced matches in VALORANT’s ranked matchmaking

VALORANT Matchmaking Algorithm Sometimes Fails to Create Balanced Matches, Reddit Reports Say

VALORANT players have been sharing their frustrations over the game’s matchmaking algorithm in recent community reports. According to these reports, the algorithm occasionally fails to create balanced matches.

Unfortunate Matchmaking Situations for Diamond Players

In a recent Reddit thread, a Diamond player shared their experience of being matched with Ascendant and Immortal players. This was not an isolated incident, as it happened repeatedly.

A Diamond player in an Immortal match – Screengrab via /u/JuanTapMan

By analyzing the match history, players have discovered numerous instances where individuals were matched against higher-ranked opponents. While this can happen during low player activity hours, it seems to be related to the hidden MMR system.

The Hidden MMR System and Its Impact on Matchmaking

In VALORANT, each player has a hidden MMR (Matchmaking Rating) and a visible rank rating. These two ratings don’t always align, and the hidden MMR can increase at a faster pace. When a player reaches Diamond rank, the game’s system may perceive them as deserving of a higher rank, such as Ascendant. As a result, they are placed in matches against higher-tier opponents.

While statistically, a Diamond player should be able to handle more challenging matches, this is not always the case. The sudden increase in gameplay level can lead to performance anxiety and cause the affected player to underperform. Unfortunately, this means that the Diamond player continues to face Ascendant and Immortal opponents without having the opportunity to reach those ranks and earn the associated rewards.