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Riot Teases Upcoming VALORANT Agent 14 as a Specialist for Lurking Strategies

VALORANT’s New Year Update: A Sneaky Duelist Joins the Game

The popular tactical shooter game, VALORANT, is set to welcome a new duelist in the upcoming year. Character product lead, John Goscicki, addressed the current state of agents in a recent blog post. While the game is in need of more controllers, players can look forward to a stealthy duelist to kick off the new year.

In a Twitter post by VALORANT, character producer RiotMEMEMEMEME hinted at the addition of Agent 14. Fans were treated to a silhouette preview, and now it’s confirmed that Agent 14 will join the ranks of Jett, Phoenix, Raze, and Reyna in the duelist category.

Although the specifics of the new agent’s abilities are still unknown, Riot dropped an Easter egg that suggests invisibility. A player shared a video showing a trail of footsteps left behind by a transparent figure, leading to speculation about the new agent’s stealth-focused playstyle.

The current controller pick rates are heavily dominated by Omen, who has consistently been the top choice in professional tournaments. In fact, Omen’s pick rate reached 98 percent during the First Strike tournament, leaving fellow controllers Brimstone and Viper with a pick rate of less than five percent. The imbalance in controller picks prompted Goscicki to address the issue, promising that the developers will give more team-focused power to initiators and controllers. The changes to controllers will be rolled out in January as part of Episode Two.

Stay tuned for more updates as VALORANT continues to evolve and introduce exciting new additions to its roster of agents.

Related VALORANT, tactical shooter, duelist, new agent, abilities, stealth, controller, pick rate, professional tournaments, Episode Two