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Riot spotlights Sage in newest VALORANT gameplay teaser

Sage: The Versatile Agent in VALORANT

Riot Games has released a new gameplay teaser for VALORANT, showcasing the capabilities of the Chinese agent, Sage.

Sage is a multi-faceted character who excels in both healing and dealing damage. She combines the abilities of Mercy, Mei, and Moira from other games. With a recurring ability, Ice Wall, and a healing orb, Sage is truly a jack of all trades.

Sage brings safety to her team wherever she goes. Whether she’s reviving fallen teammates or warding off enemy attacks, she remains a calm center in the chaotic battlefield of VALORANT. Although she’s the only healer in the game, she is not afraid to inflict damage.

In the gameplay teaser, Sage demonstrates her healing abilities by throwing a healing orb to her teammate, Jett, providing a slow-ticking heal-over-time. When she hears approaching footsteps, she quickly deploys her slow orb, creating a large glowing sea of green, and secures a kill with her sidearm.

Rather than taking a passive approach like healers in Overwatch, Sage takes the initiative. She charges up her barrier orb to cut off enemies from the objective. Climbing up her wall, crouching, and peaking around the corner, she surprises Cypher and Phoenix, winning the round with a precise trigger pull.

Image via Riot Games

Unfortunately, the teaser did not showcase Sage’s resurrection ability, which is considered to be one of the most controversial mechanics in the game. With her ultimate ability charged up, Sage can revive a fallen teammate with full health after a short delay. This could potentially be one of the game’s strongest abilities, offering a game-changing advantage.

VALORANT is scheduled to be released this summer, with the closed beta expected in the next few months.

VALORANT, Sage agent, Riot Games, gameplay teaser, healing abilities, damage dealing, resurrection, ultimate ability, closed beta.