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Riot hints at the upcoming VALORANT agent with water control abilities

VALORANT’s Next Agent Teasers Reveal Exciting Details

Riot Games has been dropping teasers for the upcoming agent set to arrive in VALORANT, and fans are eagerly waiting for the official debut. Two new teasers were released between October 9th and 10th, providing a glimpse into what’s to come.

The first teaser takes place at a small dhaba, an Indian roadside fast food restaurant. The video shows a livestreamer and their partner being interrupted by a rumbling noise. The camera reveals a glass of water being manipulated and two rocket-propelled motorbikes zooming past.

In a shorter teaser released later, a launcher is shown firing a small hand-held device that bounces before detonating. The detonation’s effect is not revealed, but it suggests that the agent may have vision-obscuring abilities. Riot has already confirmed that this agent will be a controller.

The teasers hint at the agent’s Indian origin, with previous clues pointing towards Varun Batra as the potential real name. The training range audio files mention Batra stealing a powerful artifact, suggesting his ability to manipulate or bend water.

With Riot’s confirmation of the agent’s origin, power source, and role, players are now eagerly awaiting the reveal of his full ability kit.

VALORANT, agent, teaser, debut, Indian origin, controller, ability kit, Riot Games