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Riot gives more hints about VALORANT’s Episode 2 through an image of a motionless clock

VALORANT Devs Tease New Agent in Battle Pass

The creators of VALORANT are known for dropping hints about upcoming content in the battle pass, and they may have just given fans another clue to ponder. In a recent blog post discussing the creation of the battle pass, developers Sean “Oniram” Marino and Preeti Khanolkar ended the post with a section titled “Episode Two Teases” and an image of a dead clock, hinting at a potential new agent to come.

Many fan theories surrounding the Act III battle pass and the new map Icebox suggest that a samurai agent with control over death and time could be introduced. The snowy tundra of the map is filled with references to samurais, as if it were a giant laboratory for scientific experiments.

In particular, the tier 48 player card in the battle pass is quite intriguing. The card features a dog tag with the Latin words “memento mori,” which translates to “remember you must die” and serves as a reminder of mortality. Additionally, there is an hourglass on the player card, symbolizing the connection between death and time.

While these theories are purely speculation without concrete evidence or confirmation from Riot, the teaser image of the dead clock, titled “notime,” suggests that the community may be onto something.

Riot has yet to confirm or deny these fan theories, but a new agent capable of challenging both death and time could be on the horizon.

VALORANT, battle pass, new agent, hint, theories, samurai, death, time