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Ranked Pick Rate Data for All VALORANT Agents

Most Popular Agents in VALORANT Ranked: A Comprehensive List

As VALORANT’s player base continues to grow, players are curious about the most popular agents in the ranked ladder. While Jett and Viper dominate the professional scene, it’s interesting to see which agents players at home are choosing. Here is a list of the most picked agents in VALORANT, ranked from most to least picked.

Reyna – 57.1 percent pick rate

Reyna, VALORANT agent.

Reyna has been a top choice for players climbing the ranked ladder. Skilled Reyna players have a significant impact on their teams, often securing team or match MVP titles. Her simple kit makes her utility easy to use and understand.

Jett – 47.6 percent pick rate

Jett’s aggressive playstyle and impactful abilities make her a popular choice for players. Despite being a mainstay in both ranked and pro play, her pick rate has slightly decreased due to recent nerfs.

Sage – 43.1 percent pick rate

Sage is a staple agent in the ranked ladder, valued for her ability to support the team. Her solid wall and resurrection abilities make her a popular choice, especially for first-time players.

Omen – 41.4 percent pick rate

A close up of Omen in VALORANT.

Omen’s smokes and teleport abilities make him a classic choice for players who want to control the map. His utility and mobility allows for creative plays that can turn the tide of a game.

Raze – 37.1 percent pick rate

Raze is a duelist known for causing chaos with her grenades and satchels. Her high pick rate is attributed to her powerful utility and the meta favoring close-ranged engagements.

Skye – 29.9 percent pick rate

With a wide range of abilities including flashes, stuns, and healing, Skye was once considered overpowered. Though she has received nerfs, skilled players still find success with her, making her a strong initiator.

Brimstone – 28.0 percent pick rate

Brimstone’s utility and smokes have made a comeback in the meta, causing a rise in his pick rate. He excels at defensive playstyles and is useful on most maps if played correctly.

Killjoy – 27.8 percent pick rate

Killjoy from VALORANT.

Killjoy’s strength in watching rotations and catching enemies off guard has made her popular again. Her utility is highly valued in both ranked and professional play.

Sova – 19.5 percent pick rate

Sova’s recon abilities and lineups make him a popular choice for players who want to gather information. Despite being the only initiator without blinds or flashes, Sova remains the most played initiator in VALORANT.

Chamber – 19.4 percent pick rate

Chamber has experienced a fall from dominance due to continued nerfs. While buffs have made him more viable, he still struggles to regain his former popularity.

Phoenix – 18.0 percent pick rate

Phoenix has seen a rise in his pick rate following buffs that made him a more viable choice. While he may not reach the same heights as other duelists, he is in a better place than before.

Cypher – 17.9 percent pick rate

Cypher recently received buffs, increasing his pick rate and making him more relevant in the meta. The pro scene has also embraced Cypher, further contributing to his popularity.

Breach – 14.7 percent pick rate

Breach’s usefulness on certain maps, such as Fracture, has increased his pick rate. However, he remains the least popular initiator due to map design affecting his kit.

Viper – 12.9 percent pick rate

Viper in a VALORANT trailer

Viper is a staple agent on specific maps and higher ranks. Despite recent nerfs impacting her pick rate, players who enjoy a lurking but active playstyle still choose her.

Fade – 12.5 percent pick rate

Fade is a low-risk initiator with easy-to-use blinds. While her pick rate has dropped in the professional scene, she remains a solid choice for players entering the initiator role.

KAY/O – 11.4 percent pick rate

KAY/O’s utility requires practice to use effectively, making him more popular in higher ranks. His coordination with teammates is highly valued in pro play.

Neon – 10.2 percent pick rate

Neon’s fun playstyle doesn’t translate into high popularity. While enjoyable to play, her effectiveness and intuitive kit are sometimes questioned by players.

Yoru – 10.1 percent pick rate

Yoru’s rework has improved his viability, but he still struggles to remain relevant. He is considered one of the weakest duelists in the game.

Astra – 8.0 percent pick rate

Astra’s complex kit and coordination requirements make her less popular among new players. Recent nerfs have further impacted her pick rate, but she still has her place on specific maps.

Harbor – 0.0 percent pick rate

Harbor is the least picked agent in VALORANT. His lack of disruptive or offensive abilities, coupled with predictable utility, makes him unappealing to players.

Note: This data is from Valorbuff and may not include the latest agents, Gekko and Deadlock.

VALORANT, agents, ranked, pick rate, Jett, Reyna, Sage, Omen, Raze, Skye, Brimstone, Killjoy, Sova, Chamber, Phoenix, Cypher, Breach, Viper, Fade, KAY/O, Neon, Yoru, Astra, Harbor.