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Possible New Agent Teased in Latest VALORANT Patch

VALORANT Patch 2.03 Introduces Balance Changes and Teases Next Agent

The latest update for VALORANT, Patch 2.03, not only brings important balance changes to the tactical shooter but also includes a subtle teaser for the game’s upcoming agent.

The VALORANT Lore // Art Discord community has uncovered a starry Easter egg that hints at the new agent. Initially found at Haven’s defender spawn, players have also discovered the teaser on other maps.

According to the community, the teaser is reminiscent of the galactic stars featured on the Bridge Between Worlds player card in this season’s battle pass. While not much is known about the next agent, Riot Games dropped hints in their recent State of the Agents post.

In the post, character producer John Gosicki used space-themed terms to describe the controller, suggesting that players who think strategically would enjoy playing this agent and experience a different play style.

Riot Games has a history of subtly teasing upcoming agents within the game. Previous examples include a silhouette cutout of the sentinel before the release of Killjoy and encountering Yoru’s Fakeout footsteps on Icebox before the agent was made available on live servers.

Fans can expect the new controller agent to be introduced next month in Episode Two, Act II.

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VALORANT, Patch 2.03, balance changes, next agent, teaser, lore, community, tactical shooter, Easter egg, battle pass, State of the Agents, controller agent, Episode Two, Act II, esports news, analysis.