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Players recall bizarre encounters with toxic teammates in VALORANT, with one calling me an old man

Promoting Cultural Diversity in VALORANT’s Competitive Field

The competitive field of VALORANT attracts players of all ages, showcasing its commitment to promoting cultural diversity. While the game nurtures talented prodigies, it occasionally introduces us to toxic youngsters who enjoy taunting older players about their age and responsibilities.

A Weird Encounter with a Young Toxic Teammate

On Aug. 20, a Reddit user named Maximus shared a strange experience they had with a young teammate in a VALORANT match. The young player took pleasure in bragging about their age and called Maximus an “old man,” even reminding them about their job responsibilities.

Maximus found the encounter amusing and shared the incident in their Reddit post, stating, “Don’t you have a job to get to? I don’t even know what was going through his mind that made him think that was in any way an insult.” Other players also discussed similar encounters, highlighting the absurdity of such toxic behavior.

Reminding Youngsters of Their Privileges

One player emphasized the importance of acknowledging the privileges that younger generations enjoy, stating, “We walked so you kids could run.” This comment reflects the growing trend of taunting older players for engaging in gaming activities.

Strange Toxic Encounters in VALORANT

Apart from age-related toxicity, players have shared other bizarre experiences with toxic behavior in VALORANT. These range from reporting players just because they are not performing well to intentionally throwing matches due to minor gameplay mistakes. Such incidents reveal the multitude of unconventional reasons behind players choosing the toxic path in the game.

Moreover, even the choice of weapons can trigger toxic reactions. Players have shared instances where opponents and teammates became tilted by the use of shotguns or machine guns in the game.

Unfortunately, unreasonable toxic behavior is not limited to VALORANT but is prevalent in many online multiplayer games, including Apex, League of Legends, and CS:GO. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate toxicity, players can resort to muting toxic individuals to maintain a positive gaming experience.

VALORANT, toxic encounters, cultural diversity, gaming, young players, toxic behavior