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‘Players demand in-game replays’: VALORANT developer addresses criticism over absence of replay system

Riot Games Developer Responds to Community Concerns About VALORANT Replay Feature

The developer of product management at Riot Games, Arnar Hrafn Gylfason, has responded to backlash from the community regarding the lack of prioritization of a replay feature in VALORANT. In a recent statement during Ask VALORANT, Gylfason addressed the issue and assured players that the dev team wants to include replays in the game, but the feature is taking longer than expected.

Gylfason, who has previous experience working on League of Legends and EVE Online, shared his response on Twitlonger, stating that there is more in development and that the teams are eager to share more details as soon as clearer timelines and information become available. He emphasized the team’s passion for the game and the community and expressed their desire to communicate openly and frequently with players.

Transparency and Communication Goals

Gylfason aims to be more transparent with the VALORANT community in the future and plans to clarify information through blog posts, such as Ask VALORANT, to avoid similar incidents. While fans can expect a replay system in VALORANT, it may take longer to ensure that the final product meets the developers’ intentions.

Frustration and Expectations

The frustration among VALORANT players began when an Ask VALORANT session revealed the absence of immediate plans for a replay feature. This statement came two years after a previous Ask VALORANT that had promised the addition of a replay feature in the game. Players questioned the prioritization of cosmetic content over essential features like replay.

Although Gylfason’s response may not satisfy everyone, many players are eagerly awaiting tangible progress toward the implementation of the replay feature.

Riot Games, VALORANT, replay feature, community concerns, transparency, communication, game development, player frustration