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Players criticize third-party apps for ‘ruining VALORANT experience’

VALORANT Players and the Obsession with KDA: A Toxic Mindset

As a ranked VALORANT player, you may often find someone who gives their KDA primordial importance and discriminates against any players with a poor history even before the match has begun.

The Backlash Against Third-Party Applications

VALORANT players on Reddit have raised their voices on a similar issue on how third-party applications like ‘’ and Tracker applications have “ruined” the experience of the ranked matches where there is too much emphasis on the previous results of players rather than focusing on the game at hand—which could potentially go either way.

One player on Reddit said, “Guys that Jett has a 2.0 K/D today we lost gg’ people psych themselves out over stats when that person literally could have been playing against the absolute worst players.” They also explained how their teammates’ feelings about poor results history and bad KDA can impact matches.

The Toxicity of Stereotyping

The poster said they’ve heard of players “dodging” their ranked matches if their teammates don’t have a “50% winrate,” making it a toxic experience for players.

Another player on Reddit asked low elo players to “Delete that crap [third-party applications],” because all it gives is “preconceived notions” to players. “What advantage does it give you? It doesn’t,” he said. “You’re all the same elo with the same potential. I’ve seen a 1-16 cypher ace to win a tied game and I’ve seen a 32-4 Jett whiff an entire mag.” He went on to emphasize the sheer unpredictability factor of the game and that numbers don’t always give the players a complete picture.

Misinterpreting Data: When Stats Go Wrong

Third-party applications continue to provide stats and metrics for players in VALORANT to improve their performance and learn from their mistakes. However, when it becomes a tool to judge a player without knowing their playstyle, people are bound to misinterpret the data and categorize their teammates as low-level players.

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