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Player showcases impressive Cypher one-way smokes on Icebox in VALORANT highlights

VALORANT Player Discovers Two One-Way Smokes on Icebox B Site

A VALORANT player has recently uncovered a valuable strategy for defending B Site on Icebox using two one-way smokes. These smokes can significantly enhance a team’s defensive capabilities and catch opponents off guard.

Understanding One-Way Smokes

One-way smokes provide an effective way to cover entrances and potentially eliminate unsuspecting enemies. When executed correctly, the smoke prevents enemies from seeing you, while you can still spot their body parts or legs. Pushing into a one-way smoke is rarely a wise decision and can disrupt an enemy’s push entirely.

Cypher’s One-Way Smokes on B Site

A player named BreadedLemon shared a short video demonstrating how to create two one-way smokes on B Site using Cypher’s Cyber Cage. To create the first smoke, place the cage on top of B Yellow, a large shipping container near B Main. For the second smoke, position the cage on the elevated green container directly across from B Yellow. Standing in specific spots allows for consistent replication of these line-ups. When both cages are correctly positioned, they form a massive one-way smoke that covers the entrance from B Main.

Effectiveness and Strategy

While some players mentioned the difficulty of holding this angle due to opponents frequently using smoke on B site, this setup can be devastating if the enemy team lacks smokes or fails to use them effectively. Combining these smokes with Cypher’s Trapwires can further enhance their effectiveness, forcing the enemy team to rotate or buying crucial time for teammates to rotate to the site.

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VALORANT, one-way smokes, Icebox, B Site, defense, strategy, Cyber Cage, Cypher, Trapwires