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Outrage among VALORANT community as creator faces consequences for account sharing while smurfing remains unchecked

Riot Under Fire for Condemning Account Giveaway in VALORANT

Riot has recently faced backlash from players in the gaming community for discouraging a well-intentioned account giveaway in the popular game VALORANT. WestJett, a popular YouTube creator, announced his decision to quit VALORANT and planned to give away his valuable $5,000 account via a raffle for players who donated to a charity he was working with.

However, Riot Support intervened to remind WestJett that transferring or sharing accounts goes against the game’s terms of service and could result in an account ban. WestJett, unswayed by Riot’s warning, expressed his frustration with the hypocrisy of Riot, claiming that the company fails to take action against websites that sell accounts to smurfs.

WestJett also criticized Riot for protecting popular content creators who publicly smurf in low Elo lobbies while disregarding the negative impact it has on the community. This controversy has sparked support from the community, who are growing increasingly tired of dealing with smurfs in their VALORANT games.

These accusations against Riot have been further reinforced by a Reddit post by an anonymous user, who pointed out Riot’s biased attitude towards account buying and selling. The user questioned whether Riot is willing to overlook these violations as long as they are not blatantly obvious or if they bring in revenue for the company.

The community has rallied behind these concerns, expressing frustration with Riot’s alleged hypocrisy. It seems that Riot and content creators may benefit from turning a blind eye to account selling and smurfing, without facing consequences.

Addressing the issue of smurfing in VALORANT’s ranked ladder has been a challenge, and Riot’s inconsistent actions are only exacerbating the problem. Until Riot takes more decisive action, smurfs in VALORANT will continue to hinder players’ experience in the game.

VALORANT, Riot games, account giveaway, smurfing, account ban, hypocritical actions