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Optimal Settings for NVIDIA Control Panel in VALORANT

How to Optimize Your VALORANT Gameplay with NVIDIA Settings

In VALORANT, performance is key for many players, and even top professionals prioritize maximizing frames per second by using low settings. If you have an NVIDIA graphics card in your computer or laptop, tweaking the NVIDIA Control Panel settings can help you achieve smoother gameplay.

How to Change Game Settings from the NVIDIA Control Panel

First, ensure that your PC has an NVIDIA graphics card. You can easily access the control panel either through the search bar or on your desktop. If you can’t find it, you can download it from the Microsoft store and update your drivers through the NVIDIA website for better compatibility.

Once you open the control panel, you’ll find various settings for your PC. To optimize specific games like VALORANT, go to the Manage 3D Settings tab and select Program Settings.

How to Edit VALORANT Settings from the NVIDIA Control Panel

In the Program Settings tab, locate VALORANT in the dropdown menu, or manually add it if necessary. Here are the key changes you should make:

  1. Turn off extra settings like anti-aliasing options.
  2. If you have multiple graphics cards, select them in the CUDA – GPUs slot.
  3. Set your low latency mode to ‘Ultra’.
  4. Disable max frame rate using the global setting.
  5. Turn off MFAA.
  6. Select your strongest graphics card for the OpenGL Rendering GPU option.
  7. Choose the ‘Prefer Maximum Performance’ option for power management mode.
  8. Select the ‘Highest Available’ option for the preferred refresh rate.
  9. Enable shader cache before adjusting texture filtering.
  10. Turn on anisotropic filtering, negative LOD bias, and choose the ‘High Performance’ option in the Quality section.
  11. Enable trilinear optimization and set threaded optimization to ‘Auto’.
  12. Disable triple buffering and vertical sync.
  13. Leave virtual reality pre-rendered frames at one.

Make sure to turn off triple buffering and vertical sync, while leaving virtual reality pre-rendered frames at one for optimal performance.


When adjusting the “Program Settings” section of your NVIDIA Control Panel specifically for VALORANT, use these recommended settings:

  • Image Sharpening: On
  • Anisotropic Filtering: Off
  • Anisotropic Sample Optimization: On
  • Negative LOD Bias: Allow
  • Quality: High Performance
  • Trilinear Optimization: On
  • Threaded Optimization: Auto
  • Gamma Correction: Off
  • Mode: Off
  • FXAA: Off
  • Max Frame Rate: Off
  • Background Max Frame Rate: 20
  • Low Latency Mode: Ultra
  • Power Management Mode: Prefer Max Performance

By applying these settings, you can ensure the best NVIDIA settings for optimal VALORANT gameplay.

Related VALORANT, NVIDIA settings, game settings, Control Panel, optimize gameplay, performance, graphics card