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Omen’s Ghost Skin in VALORANT’s Act 3 Battle Pass features a color-changing Octopus Gun Buddy

Omen’s Ghost Skin in VALORANT Reveals Easter Egg

Players of the popular game VALORANT have discovered an Easter egg related to Omen’s contract Ghost skin. One keen fan shared their findings on Reddit, revealing that the Ancient Mysteries Revealed gun buddy changes colors when equipped to Omen’s pistol.

The Colorful Transformation

This Easter egg involves a gun buddy that players can unlock in the Episode Two, Act Three battle pass. The gun buddy is a red octopus holding a mysterious substance. However, when equipped to Omen’s Soul Silencer Ghost skin, it transforms into a purple octopus with bright blue marks. These blue marks resemble Omen’s “eyes,” which are three glowing slits.

An Octopus Theory

Many players believe that this Easter egg pays tribute to a community meme suggesting that Omen is actually an octopus. Last year, a player theorized that Omen’s true form was that of an octopus based on clues found in the What Ancient Mystery player card. They speculated that Omen could have gained power from Radianite, making it possible for him to change shape and resemble an octopus.

A Tradition of Easter Eggs

Riot Games, the developer of VALORANT, is known for incorporating Easter eggs based on community jokes and memes. In the Act Three battle pass, there is another reference to players jousting on Icebox’s zip lines, a humorous activity that emerged when the map was first introduced. Additionally, the Paul’s Pizza Party card celebrates a beloved employee within the game.

The new Breeze map and battle pass for VALORANT’s Episode Two, Act Three were recently released, allowing players to enjoy exciting new content.

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