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New Theory Suggests VALORANT’s Next Agent Will Have the Ability to Walk Through Walls

VALORANT’s Next Agent Teased: Will They Have the Ability to Walk Through Walls?

VALORANT players are eagerly awaiting the release of the game’s next agent. While Riot has only shared a few teasers, players have been speculating about the new character’s abilities. One theory suggests that the new agent will have the ability to walk through walls, based on a voice line in the teasers.

In a Reddit thread, players discuss the possibility of the new agent being able to walk through walls. The voice line that sparked this theory is “I mean me I want to walk through walls.”

While players are intrigued by this possibility, they also believe that there should be clear sound cues or visual prompts associated with this ability. Some players even suggest that the agent should be able to take other players through walls as well. The code name “Architect” would be fitting for an ability like this.

If this theory proves to be true, players think that the agent’s ultimate ability should come at a higher cost compared to others.

It is important to note that these theories have not been confirmed by Riot. VALORANT players are still in the dark about the upcoming agent and will have to wait until closer to its release for more information.

In the meantime, players can only wait for the VALORANT developers to provide more information. Until then, the speculation about this wall-walking ability continues.