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New change to Omen’s ultimate provides indirect buffs to another VALORANT agent

VALORANT Patch 8.07: Omen’s Ultimate Buff and its Impact on Oping Strategies

The recent update to VALORANT Patch 8.07 has introduced a game-changing feature to Omen’s ultimate ability, which not only benefits himself but also provides support to teammates who enjoy using the Operator. Omen’s From the Shadows ultimate has received a substantial buff, allowing him to interact with objects such as the spike or door levers while in his Shade form. This opens up exciting possibilities for strategic gameplay, particularly on maps like Ascent, where closing doors to secure site entry can make a significant difference.

However, this update has also led to the discovery of another cool tech by observant VALORANT players. On platforms like X (formerly Twitter), players have pointed out a clever technique for Omen’s buffed ult: the rapid swap of weapons with teammates. This newfound tactic allows for the swift transfer of the Operator from one site to another, proving to be a valuable asset in gaining control of the battlefield.

Enhancing Coordination Between Omen and Jett

Combining Omen’s ultimate interaction with Jett’s proficiency with the Operator creates an even more potent strategy on the defensive side. Players have observed that Jett can utilize the Operator to secure the initial pick before retreating to safety. Meanwhile, Omen, from a different site, can use his ultimate to pick up the Operator and exchange it with Jett’s rifle, enhancing her flexibility to hold off the enemy’s continued push onto the site. Additionally, this maneuver equips Omen with the Operator in case the enemy rotates to the other site, further bolstering their defensive capabilities.

Prior to the patch, this tactic would have been hindered by Jett being left weaponless after relinquishing the Operator, as Omen had no means of dropping his weapon to her while in his ult. With this update, the technique has become far more viable, offering greater strategic options to players. Flexinja expressed their approval of the change, stating that it is a significant quality-of-life improvement that could potentially turn the tide of rounds.

Embracing Omen’s Ultimate Buff

The enhancement of Omen’s ultimate may seem like a minor adjustment, but it holds great significance for VALORANT players who have long been waiting for this improvement. Omen’s From the Shadows ability has been considered lackluster when compared to other powerful ultimates in the game. However, with this buff, Omen now has an opportunity to shine, especially when facing competition from the newest Controller agent, Clove. While players are enjoying trying out Clove as a more aggressive smoker, it is gratifying to see that the developers have also given attention to enhancing the abilities of older agents like Omen.