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Nerd Street Gamers Honors Outstanding Payments to VALORANT Talent

Nerd Street Gamers Steps Up to Pay Talents Owed Money by Pulse Arena

Several individuals in the VALORANT talent community recently accused Pulse Arena of not fulfilling payment obligations to the freelancers who casted and observed the Pulse Arena Invitational event in July. Despite the allegations, the official Pulse Arena Twitter account has remained silent on the matter.

Nerd Street Gamers, the organizer of the first North American Challengers event, took action by reaching out to the talent involved and advising them to include the amounts owed by Pulse in their invoices, as reported by VALORANT caster Vansilli.

In a post on the competitive VALORANT subreddit, other members of the talent community confirmed that Nerd Street Gamers is stepping up to support those whose careers revolve around delivering professional VALORANT experiences to the fans.

While it may be frustrating for the talent involved to not be able to resolve the issue directly with Pulse Arena, the assistance provided by Nerd Street Gamers offers much-needed relief in terms of receiving payment. Unfortunately, payment disputes have been a recurring issue in the history of esports, affecting both talent and players.

Nerd Street Gamers holds the position of the official producer for the first stage of VALORANT Champions Tour events in July. Taking initiative in resolving payment disputes like these will further solidify its reputation as the esports scene continues to thrive.

VALORANT, esports, talent, Nerd Street Gamers, payment disputes, pulse arena, casting, invoicing