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Mastering Reyna: A Complete Guide to Dominating as the Lethal Duelist in VALORANT

Reyna in VALORANT: Tips for Playing the Deadly Duelist

In VALORANT, Reyna is a fragging machine. She thrives on getting kills and rewards aggressive playstyle. Sitting back and relying on your teammates won’t cut it with Reyna.

Her abilities revolve around her ability to secure kills. Without frags, she can’t use most of her abilities effectively. So, it’s crucial to play aggressively and confidently.

Leer (C)

Leer is Reyna’s most reliable ability. It functions like a boosted version of Omen’s Paranoia and Breach’s Flashpoint. It can blind enemies from any range and travel through terrain, making it versatile and adaptable to any situation.

However, Leer can be countered if enemies shoot it quickly. But when used strategically, it can have devastating effects.

An advantage of Leer is that it doesn’t affect Reyna or her teammates, allowing her to use it cleverly in various scenarios. It’s mainly attack-oriented but can also be used defensively.

A great way to use Leer is to stand behind a wall, throw it out into the open, and quickly peek. If enemies see Leer, they’ll be blinded, giving you an easy kill opportunity.

Using Leer in coordination with your teammates enhances its effectiveness. It’s advisable to communicate with your team and use Leer on a site to ensure successful captures.

Positioning Leer strategically can also give you an advantage. By throwing it in the air or towards the ground, enemies will have difficulty aiming, giving you the upper hand.

Remember to keep your Leer usage unpredictable to confuse your opponents.

Devour (Q)

Devour is Reyna’s essential ability after getting a kill. It consumes an orb, replenishes her health, and provides additional armor.

Reyna thrives on getting kills, and Devour ensures she stays alive to secure more. Unlike other agents who need to play cautiously after engagements, Reyna can keep pushing forward with the momentum.

After scoring a kill, there are two options for Reyna: Devour or Dismiss. Devour is typically the priority, but if you’re at full health or need an escape, Dismiss is the better choice.

Even if you have full health and armor, Devour still grants extra armor points, which can be beneficial in prolonged fights.

Dismiss (E)

Dismiss is a valuable ability that shouldn’t be underestimated. It allows Reyna to quickly escape from close encounters or reposition herself.

When up close with enemies and needing to retreat, Dismiss provides invulnerability for a short time, giving Reyna the chance to wait for teammates or re-engage with restored health from Devour.

Dismiss can also be used for entry frags. A confident Reyna player can peek a corner, eliminate opponents, and quickly escape with Dismiss.

When combined with Reyna’s ultimate ability, Empress, Dismiss becomes even more potent. It grants invisibility and a speed boost, allowing for effective repositioning and potential multi-kills.

Use Dismiss strategically to flank opponents, reposition, or hide.

Empress (X)

Empress is Reyna’s ultimate ability that injects her with bloodlust. It enhances her firepower, activates and improves Devour and Dismiss, and makes enemies more visible for a short duration.

Empress is a snowballing tool that refreshes upon getting a kill, ensuring Reyna can maintain her advantage. It’s best used proactively in gunfights and should not be saved for a perfect opportunity.

When you know a fight is imminent, you’re alone on a site, or your team needs to turn the tide, activate Empress. Secure a kill, and keep wreaking havoc with the boosted abilities.

Empress grants increased firing, equip, and reload speeds, along with infinite charges of Soul Harvest abilities. Its duration refreshes with each kill.

Related Reyna, VALORANT, duelist, frag, Leer ability, Devour ability, Dismiss ability, Empress ability