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Latest VALORANT Update Allows Players to Discover Their Ideal Aesthetic

VALORANT Episode Six Introduces Variant Favoriting for Weapon Skins

In VALORANT Episode Six, players can now easily favorite specific variants for weapon skins, enhancing their customization options.

During Episode Five, Riot Games gave VALORANT a complete makeover and introduced the ability for players to filter and organize their weapon skins by favoriting them. However, a crucial oversight was that players could only favorite the default version of a skin, forcing them to manually change it later if they preferred a different variant. Thankfully, the latest episode rectifies this issue and introduces the option to favorite specific variants for skins, providing players with more customization choices.

Image via Riot Games

It’s important to note that not all weapon skins have variants. Only select skins offer different color options or styles. For players who have a preference for a particular variant, the favoriting feature provides a way to reflect that preference in their collection.

To favorite a weapon skin or its variant, players can access the collection tab. This tab displays all the available skins for each weapon, whether owned or not, allowing players to make their selections before entering a game. By simply clicking the star icon, players can manually select the skins they wish to favorite.

Players can also favorite a specific variant of a skin by adding a star to it. Additionally, they can utilize the shuffle function to randomize the skins they will use in each game, maintaining a certain aesthetic while introducing an element of surprise.

Enhance Your Weapon Skin Experience with Variant Favoriting

VALORANT Episode Six introduces a highly anticipated feature that allows players to favorite specific variants for their weapon skins. With this update, players can enjoy enhanced customization options and showcase their preferred color schemes. Don’t miss out on this exciting addition to the game!

VALORANT, Episode Six, weapon skins, variants, favorite, customization, collection, shuffle, aesthetic