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Jett remains capable of climbing the pyramid on VALORANT’s Breeze, despite nerfs

Jett Mains Find Workarounds After VALORANT Agent Nerf

Jett enthusiasts were devastated to learn that their beloved VALORANT agent would be nerfed at the start of Episode 7 Act Two. However, they are already discovering new strategies, particularly on the updated map Breeze.

One of the significant blows to Jett’s abilities was the reduction of her Updraft charges from two to one. Updraft not only grants Jett additional movement for combos with her Blade Storm ultimate, but it also allows her to access elevated areas that other agents cannot reach. With only one Updraft charge now, along with the rest of her abilities being weakened, Jett is far more limited in her gameplay opportunities.

Related: Jett and Skye hit with significant nerfs in VALORANT Patch 7.04; nine other agents adjusted

For instance, one common use for Updraft was to reach the pyramids on Breeze’s A site. But with one charge, Jett falls short of reaching the high ground. However, shortly after the release of Patch 7.04 on August 29, a player shared a clip demonstrating how to get Jett on top of the pyramids without using Updraft at all.

To achieve this, the player explained that you simply need to utilize Jett’s passive ability, Drift, and spam the crouch button. The advantage of this exploit is that Jett’s Drift ability is completely free, so you don’t need to spend any money or charges, unlike with Updraft.

Of course, scaling the pyramid slowly during a battle is impractical, but it’s ideal for positioning Jett at the start of the round.

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While Jett mains consider this a small victory amidst the substantial nerfs, they are also concerned that this may be a bug that will be fixed in the future. Some even suggest deleting the post to ensure that Riot doesn’t discover the glitch.

In the meantime, take advantage of this workaround in your Breeze matches while you still can.