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Iso’s ultimate ability perfectly counters the most irritating ability in VALORANT

Will Iso’s Ultimate Ability in VALORANT Change the Meta?

One of the biggest topics of discussion in the VALORANT community right now is Iso’s ability kit. Players are eager to know how this new duelist will fit into the meta. While we don’t have a definitive answer just yet, we do have a solution to one of VALORANT’s most frustrating abilities to play against.

Iso’s ultimate ability, Kill Contract, creates a column of energy that teleports him and the first enemy it touches to a one-vs-one arena. This ability removes the stress and importance of abilities, forcing two players to rely solely on their weapons, similar to Warzone’s Gulag. One key aspect of this ultimate is that it also disables the active ultimates of the enemy player, such as Raze’s Showstopper, Sova’s Hunter’s Fury, or Jett’s Blade Storm.

The Perfect Counter to Viper’s Pit

Kill Contract is one of the best counters to one of the most overpowered and annoying ultimates in the game: Viper’s Pit. Despite receiving numerous nerfs, Viper’s Pit remains one of the most powerful abilities, making it incredibly challenging (if not impossible) to execute or retake a site where it is active. Finding Viper’s location takes time, which results in the loss of health.

A well-placed Iso ultimate that catches Viper presents the opportunity to completely turn the tides of a round in favor of Iso’s team. Winning the one-vs-one battle not only eliminates Viper, but also disables her Viper’s Pit.

There is some risk involved in using the Iso ultimate, as he can still lose even with the advantage of the two barriers provided. This risk is amplified when facing Viper in her Pit. The Kill Contract beam is wide, but not wide enough to cover an entire site or the entire Pit, which means there’s a chance of missing. Additionally, if there are multiple enemies in Viper’s Pit, Iso could end up isolating someone who isn’t Viper.

However, when you’re already facing an active Viper’s Pit, there’s not much more to lose. VALORANT players will finally discover the true impact of Iso’s ultimate when he is added to the game with Episode Seven, Act Three on Oct. 31.