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Is crosshair size important? VALORANT players debate the advantages of large versus small crosshairs

Choosing the Right Crosshair Size in VALORANT: Community Insights

In VALORANT, one of the biggest decisions a player faces is determining their crosshair size. While tiny dot crosshairs may seem like headshot machines, the traditional plus-shaped crosshair used by FPS players for generations remains a consistent choice. In a Reddit post, a player named u/6898jayjay sparked a discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of different crosshair sizes in VALORANT.

The Debate: Smaller vs. Larger Crosshairs

While many players support smaller crosshairs for being “non-distracting” and accurate, the community also recognizes the advantages of larger crosshairs. One player emphasized the importance of choosing a crosshair size that is visible and easy to track, especially for beginners.

Another player offered a helpful rule of thumb: bigger crosshairs result in more accurate shots, while smaller crosshairs offer greater precision. They suggested that players who want consistent sprays and bullet placement should opt for larger crosshairs.

Personal Preference and Experimentation

Personally, like many other VALORANT players, I started with the iconic plus-shaped crosshair. However, as I progressed, I transitioned to a smaller and thinner plus-shaped crosshair, which suited me better. Crosshair preferences are subjective and depend on personal playstyles.

Ultimately, what matters is your comfort level and ability to consistently hit shots. So, if you’re an experienced VALORANT player familiar with crosshair placement, don’t hesitate to experiment with different sizes and choose what feels right for you.


Remember, it’s important to give each crosshair style a fair chance before deciding if it’s the right fit for you. Constantly changing crosshairs won’t improve your gameplay. Stick to one style for at least a week to properly evaluate its effectiveness. Embrace your personal preference and unleash your headshot potential!

Related: All pro player crosshair codes in VALORANT 2023

crosshair size, VALORANT, player, dot, plus-shaped, FPS, Reddit, benefits, drawbacks, accurate, precise, beginners, spray, bullet placement, personal preference, experiment, consistency, gameplay, headshot potential