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Introducing the Latest VALORANT Patch 3.0 Update

VALORANT Patch 3.0 is live today, bringing one of the biggest updates in the game’s history. Many agents will have their ability costs adjusted and some weapons will be more affordable. The running accuracy of weapons has also been adjusted to prevent undeserved kills while moving.

In addition to these changes, Patch 3.0 introduces KAY/O, a deadly robot that can suppress enemy abilities and relies on pure gun skill. Competitive playlist updates, bug fixes, and performance improvements are also included in this patch.

Massive agent changes

Every agent has received significant updates with Patch 3.0. Agents’ signature abilities now only have one charge per round and any charges received from cooldowns are temporary.

Flashes will also be less annoying as visibility returns faster during the fadeout period.

Astra’s Nova Pulse and Gravity Well abilities have increased cooldown times. Her Stars are inactive during the buy phase and take 1.4 seconds to charge before they can be used.

Breach’s Flashpoint ability is now limited to two charges and costs 250 instead of 200. His Fault Line ability has been buffed and affects a wider range with a longer concussion effect.

Brimstone, Cypher, Killjoy, Phoenix, and Reyna have received minor changes to their abilities.

Jett’s abilities have increased in price and she can no longer break Cypher’s Trapwire with her Tailwind ability.

Omen’s abilities have had their costs adjusted, with Paranoia now costing 300 credits and his Dark Cover starting with one charge.

Raze received a model update and her Boombot now costs 400 credits. Her Showstopper ability requires eight ultimate points instead of seven.

Sage’s abilities have increased in price and her Resurrection ability requires eight ultimate points.

Skye and Sova’s abilities have increased in price and their cooldown times have been adjusted.

Viper’s Snakebite ability has had its duration decreased but costs an extra 100 credits.

Yoru’s abilities have increased in price and have longer cooldown times.

Weapon adjustments

All VALORANT weapons have received adjustments to bullet tagging and dead zones. This should result in a slightly less slowing effect when hit and players being less accurate when moving.

Specific weapons like the Shorty, Bucky, Stinger, Marshal, and Operator are now cheaper.

Competitive changes and performance updates

Changes have been made to improve the competitive playlist, including adjustments to matchmaking and rank rating gains and losses. Performance improvements have also been made, resulting in up to a six-percent improvement for players with medium to high spec machines.

Progression updates and bug fixes

Players can now progress in VALORANT through the Year One Event Pass and by queuing with friends. A new account leveling feature has been introduced, as well as various bug fixes and glitches addressed in the patch.

For a full list of updates and changes, check out the official patch notes.

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