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Introducing Chamber: VALORANT’s Newest Sentinel Agent

Riot Games Reveals New VALORANT Agent Chamber

Riot Games has finally unveiled Chamber, the new sentinel agent joining the world of VALORANT on November 16.

Chamber, a well-dressed and well-armed French weapon designer, is equipped with a deadly arsenal of weapons and abilities. He is known as the gentlemen assassin who pays attention to every detail when setting up the perfect shot.

Unique Abilities of Chamber

Chamber brings an exciting set of abilities to VALORANT. He possesses two unique weapons that are perfect for holding an area on his own.

Chamber’s first ability is called Trademark. It allows players to place a trap that scans for enemies. When an enemy enters its visible range, the trap destabilizes the area around it, creating a lingering field that slows down caught players.

The second ability, Headhunter, gives Chamber a heavy pistol with an alt-fire ADS option. This can be a great backup plan and may change the way players approach pistol or save rounds.

Chamber’s third ability, Rendezvous, enables him to place two teleport anchors. Players can activate these anchors within range to teleport between them. The anchors can also be picked up and redeployed.

Lastly, Chamber’s ultimate ability, Tour de Force, summons a powerful sniper rifle that can kill any enemy with one direct hit. Killing an enemy with this ability also creates the same lingering field as the Trademark ability.

Teaser and Hints

Riot Games teased the arrival of Chamber through various hints and teasers. On October 26, they posted an ominous teaser of a golden circle with a rotating light. The next day, another teaser showed a bullet flying through the air. Fans can now look back and connect these teasers to the introduction of Chamber.

Chamber’s presence has been hinted at for months. Players noticed a well-dressed character in the Year One Anthem video and found the name “Deadeye” written on the side of a weapon. The Fracture trailer was narrated by a person with a French accent, and two gun cases found outside the map suggest that the narrator was responsible for destroying the facility. The State of the Agents September update also ended with a French word and an image of a fancy business card, aligning with Chamber’s elegant appearance seen in the Year One Anthem video. Patch 3.08 introduced a new audio teaser in the Shooting Range, where players could hear fancy music behind a closed door.

Chamber will officially debut on November 16, as part of the Patch 3.10 update in Episode Three, Act Three of VALORANT.

Riot Games, VALORANT, Chamber, new agent, abilities, teasers