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Impact of Earthquakes in Turkey on VALORANT Esports

VALORANT Players Affected by Devastating Earthquake in Turkey and Syria

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 magnitude struck Turkey and Syria, causing widespread destruction and claiming thousands of lives. The esports community, including some VALORANT players, has been deeply impacted by this tragedy.

Following the initial earthquake, several subsequent tremors with magnitudes over six have hit both countries.

contacted several Turkish VALORANT players to inquire about their well-being. Some of them have shared heart-wrenching stories of missing family members who are believed to be trapped beneath the debris caused by the earthquake.

Emir “Alfajer” Ali Beder from Fnatic reassured that he and his family are safe. He expressed his desire to assist those who have been affected by the earthquake and are searching for their loved ones.

Mehmet “cNed” Yağız İpek, a player from Natus Vincere, confirmed that he and his family are safe. He, along with other players, is sharing posts from Turkish citizens desperately seeking help in locating their trapped family members.

Melih “pAura” Karaduran, a former player from Heretics, is also safe but has not heard from some of his relatives. He shared that his cousins are actively participating in relief efforts to locate missing individuals. Any information that could be helpful to pAura and his family can be directed to his Twitter account.

The official VALORANT Turkey Twitter account expressed its condolences following the earthquake, stating, “as Riot Games Turkey, our hearts are saddened by the loss of many. We hope that all rescue teams on the ground get to the victims as fast as possible. We also share our deepest sympathies with everyone affected by the earthquake.”

The ongoing relief efforts primarily focus on the southern parts of Turkey and the northern regions of Syria. The number of missing individuals is expected to be in the thousands, while the death toll has already reached 1,900 and continues to rise, according to BBC News.

During a search and rescue operation, another earthquake struck Turkey, which was captured live on television.

Update Feb. 6 9:29am CT: The Challengers League Turkey Birlik has been postponed until further notice.

Update Feb. 6 9:42am CT: Friends of Gizem “Luie” Harmankaya, a former player from UnknownPros Female team residing in Kahramanmaraş, one of the affected Turkish cities, are trying to establish contact.

keywords: VALORANT, earthquake, Turkey, Syria, esports, tragedy, relief efforts, missing individuals, death toll