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I’m pleading with Riot to address VALORANT’s flawed Platinum rank.

Platinum Frustrations in VALORANT

“You guys have Ultimates, too. Why don’t you go kill somebody?” I argued with Chamber as he made a mistake. We only had Harbor’s Reckoning and Sage’s Ressurection. It was an eco round, and Chamber chose to sit in a corner with a powerful sniper rifle while my duo and I tackled a group of defenders with Classics. This is what Platinum looks like in VALORANT.

You would expect players close to reaching the top ranks in VALORANT to have basic game sense, but it’s a big ask these days. I encounter Platinum players, moments away from ranking up to Diamond, who refuse to play tactically and throw away a five-vs-two advantage.

“Why Riot?” is all I want to ask. Why am I getting such unbothered teammates? Is it my MMR after carrying my team as Harbor and Viper for 10 straight games? Is it the multiple clutch situations I am left with after my teammates die within the first ten seconds of a round? There must be something I’m doing wrong, or it has to be you, Riot Games.

Not to forget, I don’t understand why I get Silver and Gold One players in my Platinum matches. Why should Gold or Silver-ranked players be in my Elo when I am duo or trio-queuing with Platinum players? It doesn’t make sense when I get an average Gold player on my team, and the corresponding Gold player or an Immortal smurf is on the opponent’s team.

The Decline of Platinum in VALORANT

Ever since Ascendant was introduced in Episode Five, Act One, Diamond became the new Platinum, while Platinum was reduced to Gold quality.

I see the most unaware, ignorant players lingering around in my Platinum Three games, and I can’t help but wonder how they managed to come all the way up here. I fought to be in Platinum once upon a time, so this hardly seems fair. I also run into nascent Diamond players who don’t bother using their brains, either.

Honestly, at this moment, I’m struggling not to call myself unlucky. It almost seems like Riot has flagged my account so I get to break my head upon slow teammates every other match I play. I don’t get the chance to enjoy playing VALORANT ranked anymore, and it’s sad.

I reached Platinum One in Episode Five, Act Two, and ranked up to Diamond One in the next Act. I peaked at Diamond Two so far and lingered around it till Episode Seven, Act One. Act Two, however, saw me derank to Platinum, and thanks to what seems to be the worst case of matchmaking I’ve seen in VALORANT so far, I have been denied the chance to climb up and reach my skill ceiling for days now.

The Frustrations of VALORANT Players

I’m also playing VALORANT a bit more than I did in previous Acts, but I’ve come to realize it isn’t going to get me to my goal rank any faster. It’s not just me; many players have noticed a few things off with the game’s matchmaking since Episode Seven.

While blaming teammates for being unable to climb ranks is common and redundant, I bet no VALORANT player would deny the Platinum experience isn’t the same as before Episode Five. And all I can do is beg Riot to fix it for good.

VALORANT ranked, Platinum frustrations, game sense, matchmaking, skill ceiling