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If VALORANT introduces agent bans, there’s one character you won’t encounter anymore

VALORANT Players Want to Ban Reyna: Here’s Why

In the world of VALORANT, players have been discussing the possibility of implementing a ban system for specific agents. And if that were to happen, it seems that Reyna would be at the top of the ban list.

Reyna: Love Her or Hate Her?

When asked which agent would be banned the most in VALORANT matchmaking, players pointed to Reyna. The suggestion to ban her flooded a recent Reddit thread, indicating the mixed feelings players have towards this duelist.

Reyna can be an annoyance for players, except for those who choose to play as her. It’s not uncommon for players to quickly select her during agent selection, causing frustration among teammates who may have wanted to pick her. So, even before the match begins, Reyna can already create problems within a team.

Reyna’s Selfish Abilities

One of the main reasons why players would want to ban Reyna is her ability kit, which is largely focused on self-preservation. Unlike Sage and Skye who can heal others, Reyna can only heal herself. Additionally, her abilities like Devour and Dismiss only work if she gets kills. This makes her less useful to the team if she’s not able to secure kills.

As a result, Reyna is rarely seen in professional VALORANT play these days and is often considered a liability by many players.

The Issue with Smurfing on Reyna

Another problem associated with Reyna is the issue of smurfing in lower VALORANT ranks. Reyna is a popular choice among smurfs because her aggressive playstyle allows them to rack up kills against lower-ranked opponents. Implementing a ban system for her would at least alleviate this problem to some extent.

Other Agent Bans

Aside from Reyna, players have also discussed banning certain agents on specific maps. For example, Viper on Breeze, Killjoy on Ascent, and Cypher on Bind. These suggestions aim to strategically remove agents known to excel on certain maps, rather than outright banishing them due to their reputation.

Overall, it seems like the majority of players would support banning Reyna if given the opportunity. However, it remains to be seen whether Riot Games will introduce a ban system for agents in VALORANT.

VALORANT, ban system, specific agents, Reyna, matchmaking, Reddit thread, duelist, annoyance, teammates, ability kit, selfish abilities, professional play, smurfing, agent bans, maps, Riot Games.