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How to Silence Players in VALORANT

Dealing with toxic teammates who won’t stop using voice chat is a common problem in online video games. In VALORANT, this issue can be even more frustrating when you’re trying to work as a team or make a clutch play to win a round.

VALORANT is a fast-paced team game where the goal is either to plant the spike or stop the enemy team from doing so. In order to have an edge over your opponents and effectively communicate with your team, it’s important to have your voice chat on. However, sometimes other players can micromanage and backseat you, making it difficult to play the game the way you want to.

If you’re looking for some peace and quiet in VALORANT, there are a few ways to shut out all the noise and bring some serenity to the battlefield.

How to Mute Players in VALORANT

During a match, simply press the Escape key to bring up the in-game menu. The first tab, titled “Match,” will feature all of the players on your server. You can then see various details about your teammates, including their score, economy, and ping number. There are also options labeled “Allow Communications” and “Team Voice Volume.” To mute a player, simply uncheck the communication box next to their name.

How to Mute a Player During the Agent Select in VALORANT

If a player is being toxic during the agent select, you can mute them right away. Look for the little speaker icon next to the target player’s name and click it to mute or unmute them as needed.

How to Disable Voice Chat Entirely in VALORANT

If you want to disable voice chat completely, go to your general settings, click on the Audio tab, and select Voice Chat. Look for the Team Voice Chat option and toggle it off. Keep in mind that disabling voice chat may not be ideal if you want to communicate with some of your teammates, as good games often rely on good communication.

Should You Mute Players in VALORANT?

While it’s not ideal to mute players in VALORANT, sometimes it’s necessary. Muting players can help you avoid toxic behavior and focus on your own game. However, communication is important in a team game like VALORANT, so it’s best to use the mute option sparingly. If someone’s mic is too loud or broken, you can simply lower their volume via the in-game Match menu.

Overall, finding the right balance between communication and peace of mind is key in VALORANT.

Related: The best VALORANT PC settings, How to fix high ping in VALORANT