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Guide to Omen’s Smoke Placement in VALORANT: Top Spots, Usage, and More

Omen: The Menacing Agent in VALORANT

VALORANT offers players a wide selection of agents to choose from, each with their own unique abilities. Omen is one such agent who stands out as a particularly menacing force. With his abilities, he excels at flanking, surprising opponents, and setting up strategic plays.


One of Omen’s most useful abilities is his Paranoia flash. It can almost completely blind enemies, as long as you’re not too close to them. Additionally, his teleport ability, Shrouded Step, when paired with a well-timed flash, allows Omen to get into perfect positions for catching rotating players off guard or surprising defenders on the site.

Another valuable ability of Omen’s is his smoke, known as “Dark Cover.” This smoke can block off angles, making it easier for your team to enter a site and focus on the open positions.

How to Utilize Omen’s Smokes in VALORANT

In Valorant, players can see clearly within Omen’s smokes, unlike Brimstone’s. However, enemies attempting to push through the smoke need to time their movements perfectly to avoid being caught off guard.

Omen has two Dark Covers at his disposal, with each one blocking an angle for 15 seconds. Timing your smokes perfectly is crucial to prevent being left vulnerable with multiple angles to clear or avoid.

Another advantage of Omen’s smokes is their long range, spanning up to 80 meters, and they cannot be seen while traveling. This makes them highly effective for creating distractions and selling fake pushes to different sites.

Tactics for Using Omen Smokes

Omen’s smokes are incredibly useful for blocking off choke points, which are areas that can be completely blocked off by a smoke. By doing so, you eliminate the possibility of opponents hiding around corners or holding angles that could hinder your team’s progress.

For example, smoking off Heaven and the A link connector towards the A site on Haven can be a great tactic when pushing onto the site.

When it comes to areas like C long on Haven, smoking deeper and pushing to gain access to certain spots can be an effective strategy for controlling the map and forcing opponents to clear angles while a teammate covers from the C site.

There is a lot of room for creativity with Omen’s smokes and different tactics can be implemented based on the specific map and situation.

It’s also important not to use all your smokes right away. Save them for the perfect moment when you can use them to push somewhere or block off an area being exploited by the opposing team.

One common move is to place a smoke and then teleport into the smoked area. Omen’s ultimate ability allows him to teleport anywhere on the map, and combining it with smokes can catch opponents off guard. However, this tactic can be predictable, so using multiple smokes can increase your chances of getting a kill.

Defensively, Omen’s smokes can be used to create one-way smoke setups that catch opponents off guard and lead to easy kills.

Creating One-Way Smoke with Omen

Omen’s smokes have the unique ability to create visible areas that the enemy team might not initially notice. By placing a smoke higher in the air, you expose players’ feet, allowing you to spray through the smoke and secure an easy kill when an opponent walks into the area.

When using Omen’s smokes, you can press “R” to change their appearance, which provides a better view of your surroundings and helps you spot the blue triangle on your screen.

This blue triangle is crucial for placing one-way smokes. By aiming your smokes higher and finding ledges or bricks to aim the blue triangle on, you can determine where to place your smokes.

Placing smokes too far into a choke point can give opponents more room to escape and break out onto the site. It’s important to ensure that your smoke is not too far into the choke point, as players can find gaps and make you an easier target.

By mastering Omen’s smokes and learning how to use them effectively, you can gain a significant advantage in VALORANT and surprise your opponents at crucial moments.

VALORANT, Omen, agent, abilities, smokes, one-way smokes, map control, tactics, choke points