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Former EMEA ‘laughing stock’ finds unexpected route to VCT playoffs

Karmine Corp Shows Signs of Improvement in VCT EMEA, Playoff Hopes Alive

Karmine Corp’s season in VCT EMEA has seen a glimmer of hope as the team has shown noticeable improvement in form over the past two weeks. With a new in-game leader and a more structured gameplay, they have a slim chance of making it to the playoffs.

ZE1SH has taken over the role of in-game leader from ScreaM, resulting in a significant improvement in the team’s performance. Even in their loss against NAVI, Karmine Corp showed better coordination and strategic gameplay. ScreaM credits ZE1SH for bringing energy and aggressiveness to the shotcalling role.

Karmine Corp’s performance has turned around drastically compared to the first three weeks of the season when they were struggling. They were often the subject of ridicule throughout the league.

Related: VALORANT expert criticizes Karmine Corp’s performance on VCT EMEA co-stream

Currently, Karmine Corp holds the eighth spot with a 2-4 series record and a poor -56 round differential. However, by analyzing the standings and remaining schedule of VCT EMEA, there is still a chance for Karmine Corp to make it to the playoffs.

The biggest challenge they face is their week seven match against the formidable Fnatic, who have been dominating the league. Assuming they don’t defeat Fnatic, Karmine Corp needs to win their matches against FUT Esports and Giants, preferably with a clean 2-0 score. Even then, they still rely on at least one of the three 3-3 teams (Giants, FUT, and Vitality) to stumble. Additionally, they must outperform BBL Esports, who have a similar match record but a slightly better map record.

Although it may seem unlikely given their season’s start, a playoff appearance for Karmine Corp would be a remarkable comeback story in the VCT ecosystem this year.

Karmine Corp, VCT EMEA, playoffs, improvement, in-game leader, coordination, contenders, challenges, comeback story