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Fed up VALORANT players: Sage mains tired of being bossed around

Playing Sage in Low Elo: The Struggles of a Healer

If you’re a Sage main in VALORANT, you know how tough it can be, especially in low Elo. No matter how high you climb in the ranked ladder, some players just can’t stop micromanaging the team’s healer, and it’s starting to frustrate the community.

In a recent Reddit post, a player named Intelligent_Row_3931 shed light on the difficulties of playing Sage in Silver lobbies and lower. They expressed how new players often jump to duelists without understanding what it’s like to play Sage, leading to unreasonable expectations and requests.

The Pressure on Sage Mains

Sage mains in VALORANT face sky-high expectations on a daily basis. Despite her limitations, such as long cooldown times for healing abilities and vulnerability during resurrection, players continue to expect heroic plays from their team’s Sage. And if something goes wrong, she often gets the blame.

Intelligent_Row_3931 concluded their rant by stating that these experiences make them want to stop maining Sage. However, the community rallied behind them, sharing their own similar experiences and acknowledging the hardships faced by Sage mains in low Elo. It’s a sad truth that players try to micromanage Sage and make her the scapegoat for problems.

Sage and Skye: More Than Just Healers

While VALORANT doesn’t officially classify Sage and Skye as healer agents, the player community recognizes them as such due to their healing abilities. However, they are more than just healers. Their kits include defensive and supportive abilities that benefit the team in both offensive and defensive situations.

The Persistence of Micromanagement

Micromanagement is unfortunately a prevalent trend in all VALORANT ranks, not just low Elo. Duelists and controller agents often face this treatment, but Sage tends to bear the brunt of it. It’s perplexing why this behavior persists, but it’s something that needs to be addressed in the community.

Playing Sage in VALORANT can be a challenging role, and it’s essential for the community to understand and respect the sacrifices and limitations that Sage mains face. Let’s support and encourage our healers instead of micromanaging them.

Sage, VALORANT, healer, low Elo, micromanagement, expectations, struggles, community