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Fan designs incredible rendition of CS:GO’s Dust II in VALORANT, but it remains unplayable

An enthusiastic fan and map maker named Archmeton has successfully recreated the iconic Dust II map from the Counter-Strike series in VALORANT, using a plugin called Uaiana in Unreal Engine. This marks the first custom map ever created for VALORANT.

To begin, Archmeton and his team imported the base shape of Dust II into Unreal Engine 5, and then began the painstaking process of modifying and enhancing the map to fit the style and visuals of VALORANT.

The end result is a fan-made version of Dust II that closely resembles the original map from CS:GO, but with the unique visual elements that make VALORANT stand out. In fact, someone who has never played Counter-Strike wouldn’t be able to tell that this map wasn’t originally created for VALORANT.

Archmeton humorously described the process of making Dust II for VALORANT as removing CS:GO props and replacing them with VALORANT props, and then carefully adjusting the textures, lighting, and overall appearance of the map.

Unfortunately, Riot currently does not support custom-made content for VALORANT, which means that Archmeton cannot release a download link for his version of Dust II. However, he remains hopeful that Riot will eventually add mod support to the game, allowing players to enjoy custom-made content.

Archmeton speculates that the lack of custom map support may be due to Riot’s anti-cheat measures for VALORANT. Regardless, fans of Dust II in VALORANT can admire the impressive work of Archmeton and his team, who have successfully brought the classic map into the world of Riot’s FPS.

Dust II, VALORANT, Counter-Strike, custom map, fan-made, Archmeton, Unreal Engine, Uaiana, Riot Games, FPS, CS:GO, visuals, mod support, anti-cheat