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Divisive viewpoints among VALORANT players on ult points in overtime following Patch 7.04 updates

VALORANT Patch 7.04: Players Express Concerns Over Ult Point System in Overtime

The recent patch 7.04 of VALORANT has left players unhappy with the changes made to the ult point system. While Riot’s adjustments were intended to address the power of certain ultimates, players are questioning the fairness of the ult point system during overtime.

A Reddit post by a VALORANT player named fnable69 on September 11 shed light on the issue. The post emphasized that in overtime, all agents only need three points to charge their ultimates, which contradicts Riot’s efforts to nerf the strongest ultimates in Patch 7.04.

fnable69 also proposed adjusting the point requirements in overtime. They suggested that “powerful” ultimates should require more effort to charge than “below average” ultimates.

According to fnable69, agents with below average ultimates that require six points only need one orb to cast (starts overtime with 5/6). Meanwhile, those with seven or eight ult points need two orbs (starts overtime with 5/7 or 6/8). Lastly, those with nine ult points need three orbs (starts overtime with 6/9).

Interestingly, it’s not just Cypher who has a six-point ultimate requirement in VALORANT. Phoenix and Reyna, two powerful duelists in ranked play, would benefit greatly if this idea were implemented, as they would only need one more ult point to unleash their devastating abilities.

byu/fnable69 from discussion

While the community was mostly against the suggestion of changing the ult point requirements in VALORANT’s overtime, some players did show support for the idea of different requirements for different agents in overtime and sudden death scenarios.

byu/fnable69 from discussion

It’s important to note that most players expressed disagreement with changing the ult point system in VALORANT’s overtime. However, it wouldn’t be surprising if Riot considers exploring similar ideas in the future.

VALORANT, Patch 7.04, ult point system, overtime, nerfs, ultimates, Riot, players, agents, suggestions.