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Discover the complete set of skills for VALORANT’s exciting new agent, Neon

Riot Games has revealed the latest VALORANT agent, Neon, in a trailer released on Jan. 5. Neon, a duelist, will join the game in Episode Four: Disruption. Here’s a breakdown of her abilities.

High Gear – E

Neon can stow her weapons and sprint around the map at high speed. She can even surprise enemies by sliding on her knees. This sliding move can be executed right after a sprint, catching opponents off guard. The High Gear ability is activated using the E key, and you can enter a slide by right-clicking during your run. The ability recharges over time, but the slide only recharges after getting two kills. Keep in mind that you cannot fire your weapon during High Gear and there’s a slight delay when drawing your weapon after sliding.

Relay Bolt – Q

Neon can also use the Relay ability to fire a concussive charge. The charge can bounce off up to two walls, detonating a concussive charge on the ground where it makes contact. Enemies caught in the blast will be dazed, but so can you and your teammates. This ability cannot be used while sprinting with High Gear, but you can use it while sliding. Neon has up to two charges of Relay Bolt.

Fast Lane – C

With Fast Lane, Neon can summon two fire walls that create a corridor surrounded by blue flames. She can sprint and slide through this corridor. The walls block vision and deal damage to anyone in their path. The walls will continue to travel until they hit a surface.

Overdrive (Ultimate) – X

Neon’s ultimate ability, Overdrive, allows her to unleash her electric power through a lightning beam that shoots from her fingertips. She moves at the same speed as High Gear while using this ability. The ability resets upon getting a kill and uses the same charge bar as High Gear. While the bar is active, the ability has unlimited use, but it needs to be quickly recharged after extended firing.

These new agent abilities bring a unique playstyle to VALORANT and will surely shake up the competitive scene. Keep an eye out for Neon’s arrival in Episode Four: Disruption.

Riot Games, VALORANT, Neon, agent, abilities, High Gear, Relay Bolt, Fast Lane, Overdrive