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Best Omen VALORANT Smoke Spots: A Guide on Omen’s Smoke Techniques and Usage

Omen’s Abilities and Strategies for VALORANT Players

The game VALORANT offers a variety of agents for players to choose from, and Omen is one of the more formidable ones. With his abilities, he can be a great asset for flanking enemies, surprising opponents, and setting up strategic plays.

One of Omen’s most useful abilities is his Paranoia flash, which can blind an enemy completely as long as you’re not too close. Additionally, his teleport ability (Shrouded Step) combined with a well-timed flash can put you in the perfect position to catch rotating players off guard or surprise opponents guarding a site.

Another important ability is Omen’s smoke called “Dark Cover,” which can block off angles, making it easier for your team to enter a site and focus on the open positions.

How to Use Omen’s Smokes Effectively

In VALORANT, players can see clearly within Omen’s smoke, but enemies have to time their push perfectly to avoid getting caught in the open. It’s crucial to time your smokes accurately to prevent being exposed to multiple angles when entering a site.

Omen users have two Dark Covers, and each one can block an angle for 15 seconds. This means that timing your smokes perfectly is essential to ensure you don’t get left vulnerable with multiple angles to clear or avoid.

Omen’s smokes can travel up to 80m and are invisible during their travel time. This makes them highly effective for creating fake pushes onto separate sites and confusing opponents.

Using Omen Smokes Strategically

Omen’s smokes are particularly useful for blocking off choke points, which are areas that can be completely sealed off by a smoke. By blocking these choke points, you eliminate the need to check multiple angles before entering or exiting an area.

One effective strategy is smoking Heaven and the A link connector towards the A site on the map Haven. This creates a smoke barrier that allows for a safer push onto the site.

Additionally, you can use smokes to gain map control and surprise opponents. For example, on the C long area of Haven, smoking deeper and pushing to access a hiding spot can help you gain control and catch players off guard while another teammate assists from the C site.

Tips for Placing Smokes

When placing smokes, it’s crucial to ensure they are not too far into the site you’re protecting. If the smokes stick out, players will have more room to escape and break out onto the site, making you an easier target.

An excellent example of a place to smoke off is the entrance onto the A site on the map Ascent. By blocking this area, you make it harder for attackers to push through and take control of the site.

Remember that it’s not always best to use smokes right away. Save them for the perfect time when they can be most effective in blocking off an area that the opposing team is abusing.

Omen’s One-Way Smokes

One unique feature of Omen’s smokes is the ability to place them in a way that creates a visible area that the enemy team may not immediately notice. You can exploit this by placing a smoke higher in the air to expose players’ feet. When an enemy walks into this area, you’ll be able to spray through the smoke and secure an easy kill.

Press the “R” key while using your Omen smokes to change their appearance, giving you a better view of your surroundings and making it easier to spot the blue triangle on your screen. This blue triangle is crucial for placing one-way smokes. Aim your smokes higher and find ledges or bricks to place the blue triangle on, revealing where you can effectively smoke.

By mastering Omen’s smokes and using them strategically, you can gain an advantage in VALORANT and catch opponents off guard.

Omen, VALORANT, smokes, abilities, strategies, one-way smokes