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All the information you need on the agent Sova in VALORANT

Sova: The Tactical Mastermind of VALORANT

Sova, the Russian agent in VALORANT, is a skilled marksman with a distinctive appearance. With his long blonde hair, chiseled jawline, bionic eye, and trusty bow and arrow, Sova brings to mind iconic characters like Hanzo and Legolas. But what sets Sova apart are his unique abilities and tactical prowess.

With ruthless efficiency and precision, Sova tracks, finds, and eliminates enemies in style. His custom bow and exceptional scouting abilities ensure that no enemy can escape detection. Whether you’re on the run or hiding, Sova will relentlessly hunt you down.

Sova shares similarities with Viper as both agents are focused on utility. He excels in scouting out opponents and using communication to his team’s advantage. If you’re a natural leader who enjoys taking charge and leading your team to victory, Sova is the perfect agent for you.


Shock Bolt: Fire an explosive bolt that emits a damaging pulse of static energy upon impact.

Owl Drone: Deploy a pilotable drone that can fire a dart to reveal enemies who are hit.

Signature Ability: Recon Bolt: Fire a bolt that deploys a sonar emitter. The sonar pings tag nearby enemies, causing them to be revealed. This ability can be destroyed.

Ultimate: Hunter’s Fury: Fire up to three deadly energy blasts that spear across the entire map. Each hit enemy takes heavy damage and is marked.

Game Plan

Image via Riot Games

Sova’s playstyle revolves around finding enemies before they find him. His abilities allow him to scout the map and catch unsuspecting targets off-guard.

However, Sova is not only focused on surveillance. Like every agent in VALORANT, he can deal a significant amount of damage. In fact, half of his abilities, including his ultimate, are designed for fragging.

Sova players should maximize the use of his signature ability, Recon Bolt. By deploying an arrow with a sonar emitter, Sova can reveal nearby enemies. It functions similarly to Hanzo’s sonic arrow from Overwatch, but it has limited visibility and can be destroyed.

When in a secure position, especially on the attacking side, Sova can use his owl drone to pick off enemies. By finding a vantage point and shooting a dart, he can reveal targets from above.

Sova is most effective in the backline of his team. He favors sniper rifles or assault rifles for long-range gunfights, so he needs to be cautious and strategic in his movements.

Sova’s ultimate, Hunter’s Fury, unleashes three deadly energy blasts across the entire map. Considered a sniper rifle on steroids, it deals heavy damage to hit enemies. In close combat, Sova can rely on his shock bolt, which inflicts substantial damage with a pulse of static energy upon impact.

Sova, VALORANT, agent, abilities, tactical, scouting, fragging, utility, recon, bolt, owl drone, Hunter’s Fury.