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A VALORANT agent holds the perfect counter strategy against Deadlock’s cocoon ultimate

If you think Deadlock’s ultimate in VALORANT is broken, think again!

There’s a quirky counter to Annihilation, and it involves using Yoru’s trickster ability, Fakeout.

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Deadlock can be tricked by Yoru’s decoy, causing the nanowires to wrap around the clone instead of the real player.

Ailincia, a content creator for GODSENT, discovered this mechanic and showcased it in a stream clip on June 25.

Counter Deadlock and gain the advantage

You can also destroy the nanowires to free the decoy, but it’s not very useful as the decoy cannot die. It’s better to save your bullets to break past other Deadlock abilities instead.

Currently, Deadlock and her allies have no way of knowing if the cocoon has wrapped up the decoy or the real player, leading to miscommunication and giving the enemy Yoru a huge advantage.

While Yoru is not a popular pick in VALORANT’s ranked mode or pro play, this counter against Deadlock’s ultimate may change that.

Unfortunately, Yoru’s pick rate is unlikely to increase solely because of this counter. Dodging the pulse of nanowires is a trick that any agent can master, and hitting a target with the pulse is not easy.

However, if you find yourself in a sticky situation as Yoru with Deadlock using her ultimate, you can always use Fakeout to dodge the pulse and punish her aggression.

VALORANT’s fifth sentinel will be launching with Episode Seven on June 27.

VALORANT, Deadlock, Yoru, ultimate, counter, nanowires