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A Guide on Playing Brimstone in VALORANT

Brimstone in VALORANT: Everything You Need to Know

In VALORANT, Brimstone is a popular controller agent known for his tactical utility and powerful ultimate. He has become a favorite among new players and those transitioning from CS:GO, thanks to recent buffs to his abilities.


Image via Riot Games

  • Incendiary: Launch a grenade that creates a damaging fire zone.
  • Stim Beacon: Call in a Stim Beacon that provides a speed boost and Rapidfire to nearby players.
  • Sky Smoke: Deploy precise smokescreens to obscure vision.
  • Ultimate – Orbital Strike: Target a location to unleash a devastating orbital strike.

Brimstone’s abilities are familiar to players of tactical shooters. Incendiary functions similar to a Molotov, while Sky Smoke allows you to deploy three smoke grenades at once. Stim Beacon boosts your team’s speed and firepower, and Orbital Strike deals high damage over time.


Screengrab via Riot Games

When defending, Brimstone excels at zone control with Incendiary and Sky Smoke. Use the smokes to block enemy entry points, and the incendiary to deny access or prevent a spike plant.

On the attack, Brimstone is great at blocking defenders’ sightlines with smoke. He can also flush out campers with fire, but it’s recommended to save the incendiary for post-plant situations where it can deny a defuse.

His Orbital Strike is effective in multiple scenarios, whether it’s preventing an enemy push or forcing defenders to reposition. It deals significant damage and can force enemies out of cover.

In pistol rounds or site executions, the recently buffed Stim Beacon can help your team move quickly and gain ground.

VALORANT, Brimstone, controller agent, tactical shooter, abilities, playstyle, Incendiary, Sky Smoke, Stim Beacon, Orbital Strike.