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A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Cypher in VALORANT

Cypher: The Surveillance Master in VALORANT

If you enjoy disrupting the strategies of your opponents and being a nuisance on the battlefield, then VALORANT agent Cypher is the perfect choice for you. His playstyle is heavily inspired by Caveira from Rainbow Six Siege, and his ultimate ability is a testament to that.

Cypher is described as a “one-man surveillance network” who keeps a close eye on the enemy’s every move. With his abilities, no secret is safe and no maneuver goes unseen. Cypher is always watching.

Related: How to play Sage in VALORANT

Cypher is an agent that needs to be unlocked in VALORANT. He is not designed for aggressive players who prefer flanking or securing entry kills. Instead, he excels as a valuable asset to the team, with abilities that focus on gathering and concealing information throughout a round.

Cypher’s abilities have a short cast time and some of them can be retrieved, making them cost-effective and allowing the agent to adapt to different situations.

Screengrab via VALORANT


Trap Wire

Place a stealth trap wire between two walls to restrain and reveal enemies who trigger it. If not destroyed, the trap will activate and disorient the trapped victim. The trap wire can be picked up and reused.

Trap Wires are Cypher’s most frequently used ability, as they can be easily repositioned. Here are some strategic trap locations on each map:

Images via Riot Games

Knowing these spots is essential for playing as Cypher or countering him. What sets apart a good Cypher player from an exceptional one is their ability to anticipate each situation and adapt their strategies to maintain the element of surprise.

To vary trap locations effortlessly, you can adjust the height of the trap or place one vertically. While this covers a smaller area and reduces the chances of the enemy stumbling upon it, a low trap is more difficult to destroy with a knife and forces players to jump over it, leaving them vulnerable for a brief moment. On the other hand, a high trap is easier to avoid but can catch opponents off guard during a rush.

Cyber Cage

Deploy a remote activation trap that creates a slowing cage for enemies who pass through it. You can detonate a single trap or all traps simultaneously.

Think of this ability as a classic smoke grenade. However, be cautious of elevated spots, as the inside of the cage can be seen from above.

Spycam (signature ability)

Place a remote camera that provides a video feed. Fire a tracking dart from the camera. The camera can be picked up and recharged upon retrieval or when killed.

The camera is a valuable tool for gaining information and can be placed and retrieved quickly. It allows you to scout unprotected areas and peek before engaging with the enemy. Even if the camera is destroyed, Cypher may still have time to launch a revealing dart at the enemy.

Neutral Theft

Extract information from an enemy’s corpse to reveal the locations of their living allies. Cypher’s ultimate can be used from several meters away from the corpse, and he can protect himself by placing a Cyber Cage to prevent getting killed while using the ability.

An entry kill from a team with Cypher can quickly turn into an ace with proper coordination, thanks to this powerful ultimate.

Screengrab via Riot Games


Similar to Sage, Cypher thrives in the backline, providing support to his teammates during a push and helping them target the enemy. He can create routes using his Spy Cam and Cyber Cage or block flanking paths with Trap Wires.

However, Cypher’s most crucial role often emerges when he’s the last player standing in a round. He can fortify a site with trap wires, monitor another with his Spy Cam, and defend the last remaining area himself. This allows him to have a greater understanding of where the spike will be planted or which routes are clear. With his ultimate ability, a single kill can pave the way for a round victory.

In terms of weapon choice, Cypher excels in mid-range fights. The Phantom, Vandal, and even the Odin can be potent in his hands. However, snipers and shotguns may not be the best fit for his playstyle.

Data is currently in the closed beta phase, and access can be obtained by watching official VALORANT streams on Twitch. The game is set for release this summer.

VALORANT, Cypher, agent, ability, playstyle, trap wire, cyber cage, spycam, neutral theft.