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Top URF Double Champion Combinations to Experiment With Your Pals!

Introducing URF: the exciting combination of Summoner’s Rift and steroids! Choosing the right duo synergies can be a challenge, especially when playing with friends. The strategies that work in the normal Summoner’s Rift may not be as effective in the fast-paced environment of URF. To help you dominate this new environment, we have compiled a list of some of the best duo synergies that will help you secure win after win in URF. Let’s dive right in!

10. Mundo + Draven

10. Mundo + Draven

This combo is a classic. Draven dishes out damage from the backline while Mundo effortlessly tanks. The synergy may start off slow in the early game but picks up with Mundo’s poke and Draven’s axes. Just be careful of long-range lanes and assassins to avoid early deaths. Overall, this combo is both hilarious and absurd when you use the Ghost summoner spell!

9. Leblanc + Lee Sin

9. Leblanc + Lee Sin

If you enjoy high-skill mechanics and getting in your enemy’s face, Leblanc and Lee Sin is the perfect duo for you. This combo can be difficult to execute, but it’s even more challenging for the enemy team to deal with. With the burst potential of both champions, you are guaranteed to frustrate your opponents to no end!

8. Ekko + Taric

8. Ekko + Taric

If you hate dying, then you’ll love the Ekko and Taric combo. Ekko’s time manipulation allows him to escape death, and Taric’s Ultimate adds damage nullification. This duo is practically immortal, and with Taric’s stuns and Ekko’s chasing ability, your enemies won’t stand a chance!

7. Trundle + Udyr

7. Trundle + Udyr

If the enemy team picks a lot of bruisers, counter them with the Trundle and Udyr combo. Both champions deal significant damage, can sustain themselves, and have excellent chase potential. Equip them with the Ghost summoner spell, and they will zoom across the map, deleting any foe in their path.

6. Lux + Morgana

6. Lux + Morgana

Lux and Morgana are known for their powerful crowd control abilities. Combine their roots and you can perma-root an enemy, leaving them frustrated and unable to play the game. Both champions also have waveclear abilities and can deal significant damage. While this strategy may not earn you respect, it’s certainly entertaining to watch!

5. Thresh + Blitzcrank

5. Thresh + Blitzcrank

Thresh and Blitzcrank, known for their hook abilities, can create chaos on the battlefield. Both champions have the option to build for one-shot potential, making them even deadlier. Land that first hook and watch as your enemies’ health bars disappear. However, missing hooks can be costly, so aim carefully!

4. Shaco + Yuumi

4. Shaco + Yuumi

Shaco is notorious for being elusive and difficult to catch. With Yuumi attached to him, he becomes nearly impossible to pin down. Adding insult to injury, Yuumi’s healing abilities make Shaco even more annoying to deal with. This duo will frustrate your enemies and leave them with no choice but to surrender!

3. Yasuo + Malphite

3. Yasuo + Malphite

Yasuo and Malphite is a classic combo in League of Legends. Yasuo’s requirement for a knock-up is easily met by Malphite, making it a deadly synergy. Yasuo’s ability to block projectiles paired with Malphite’s devastating ultimate can turn the game in your favor. Get ready to press that R button and watch your enemies fall!

2. Leona + Zilean

2. Leona + Zilean

Leona’s stunning abilities combined with Zilean’s bombs make for an annoying duo. The increased movement speed and slows from Zilean aid in catching the enemies, while Leona’s stuns keep them locked down. There’s little to no counterplay to this combo, so use it as much as you can before potential nerfs!

1. Jax + Renekton

1. Jax + Renekton

Jax and Renekton make for a powerful bruiser combo. Renekton dominates the early game, while Jax takes over in the later stages. Both champions have stuns, damage reduction, and high damage output. Be prepared to face strong resistance, but with good coordination, this duo can lead you to victory.

In URF, choosing the right duo synergy is crucial for success. With so many unfair champion combinations, it’s important to find the enabler that suits your playstyle. Experiment with different combos to create your own winning formula. URF is all about having fun, especially when you have the support of your friends. Enjoy the chaos and dominate the URF battlefield!