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Top 5 ADCs for Teamfighting in League of Legends

ADCs are key players in teamfights, dealing high damage from a distance. They rely on their teammates, especially supports and tanks, to protect them. While some ADCs have area-of-effect (AoE) abilities, others rely on their teammates to initiate teamfights. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 ADC champions for teamfights and how to play them effectively with your premade team.

5. Xayah

Xayah is a strong teamfight ADC with piercing and AoE damage. Her feathers can damage and root multiple enemies, and her ultimate allows her to place multiple feathers at once.

Best item for Xayah: Runaan’s Hurricane

Runaan’s Hurricane enhances Xayah’s basic attacks, allowing her to hit multiple enemies at once.

Different playstyle for each phase:

  • Early Game: Xayah is a moderate champion in terms of early game trades. Use her range and abilities to safely poke enemies and secure CS.
  • Mid Game: Xayah’s feathers play a crucial role in mid-game teamfights. Utilize her abilities to place feathers strategically and deal damage to multiple enemies.
  • Late Game: Wait for an initiator on your team to CC the enemy team, then use Xayah’s ultimate to root all enemies.

4. Ashe

Ashe excels in picking off enemies with her long-range and slows. Her ultimate is especially effective in initiating teamfights.

Best item for Ashe: Runaan’s Hurricane

Runaan’s Hurricane allows Ashe to hit multiple enemies with her basic attacks, synergizing with her Q ability.

Different playstyle for each phase:

  • Early Game: Abuse Ashe’s range advantage to poke enemies and secure CS.
  • Mid Game: Use Ashe’s ultimate and abilities to assist your team in securing objectives and teamfights.
  • Late Game: Stay in the backline and take advantage of Ashe’s long attack range to deal damage while avoiding being targeted.

3. Twitch

Twitch is known for his Spray and Pray ability, which can devastate the entire enemy team. He excels at flanking and dealing AoE damage.

Best item for Twitch: Runaan’s Hurricane

Runaan’s Hurricane allows Twitch to hit multiple enemies with his basic attacks, maximizing his AoE damage.

Different playstyle for each phase:

  • Early Game: Play safe and farm, utilizing Twitch’s invisibility to surprise enemies when engaging.
  • Mid Game: Roam and farm kills in other lanes, utilizing Twitch’s flanking potential in teamfights.
  • Late Game: Flank enemies and utilize Twitch’s Spray and Pray ability to deal massive damage to multiple enemies.

2. Sivir

Sivir has excellent AoE damage with her bouncing basic attacks. Her abilities can initiate or disengage teamfights effectively.

Best item for Sivir: Manamune

Manamune provides Sivir with increased mana and damage, enhancing her abilities and basic attacks.

Different playstyle for each phase:

  • Early Game: Use Sivir’s long-range Q ability to poke enemies and gain lane priority.
  • Mid Game: Utilize Sivir’s poke damage and wave-clearing capabilities to secure objectives and assist in roaming.
  • Late Game: Initiate teamfights with Sivir’s ultimate and utilize her bouncing basic attacks to deal damage to multiple enemies.

1. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is a favorite among pro players due to her strong AoE damage abilities. Her ultimate can devastate multiple enemies at once.

Best item for Miss Fortune: Serylda’s Grudge

Serylda’s Grudge provides Miss Fortune with bonus physical penetration and slows enemies, enhancing her ultimate.

Different playstyle for each phase:

  • Early Game: Utilize Miss Fortune’s Q ability to poke enemies and gain positioning advantage in lane.
  • Mid Game: Help secure objectives and utilize Miss Fortune’s ultimate to deal damage in teamfights.
  • Late Game: Initiate teamfights with Miss Fortune’s ultimate and utilize her AoE damage to decimate enemies.

It’s important to remember that ADC champions are squishy and rely on their teammates for protection. Communicate and coordinate with your team to maximize the effectiveness of these teamfight ADCs.