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XQc’s partner wasn’t “trying to entertain” for his stream

Streamer Encounters Unfriendly Player in Rainbow Six: Siege

When it comes to online games, streamers come across various types of players. Some players are excited to be in the same lobby as their favorite streamers, while others are indifferent and have no idea who they are. Yesterday, XQc had an encounter with a player who knew who he was but showed no interest in being a part of his stream or being friendly.

XQc was playing Rainbow Six: Siege and was casually chatting with his teammates before the game started. Ranked Siege matches can last up to 45 minutes, so being friendly with teammates often leads to a better overall experience. However, one player was not interested in being friendly at all and explicitly told xQc that he didn’t want to be a part of his stream.

The player bluntly said, “Bro, I’m not trying to be content for your stream. Get the fuck out of here.”

Initially surprised by the rude response, XQc retorted that the player was boring anyway. He even pointed out that the player was putting his chat to sleep and called it “cringe.” Despite trying to move past the incident and focus on the match, the player persisted in being negative and refused to be a good teammate.

Lately, XQc has faced some challenges on YouTube and Twitch. He had a YouTube video removed by the platform and received a three-day ban on Twitch. Despite these setbacks, he has managed to bounce back with ease. However, the encounter with this unfriendly player from last night’s game only added to the list of problems xQc has encountered.

streamers, online games, XQc, Rainbow Six: Siege, Twitch, YouTube, unfriendly player, negative teammate