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XQc’s Generous Tip Surprises Skeptical Waitress in Random Act of Kindness

XQc Takes a Break from Gaming at the Skate Park

XQc, a popular streamer known for his gaming content, decided to step away from his battle station and engage in some real-life activities. He attempted a skateboarding stream in Venice Beach, California, but unfortunately had a tough time at the skate park. Nevertheless, fans were excited to see him in a different setting.

XQc’s Night Out in Santa Monica

After his skateboarding mishap, xQc and his friends headed back to Santa Monica for a fun night at the beach. They explored downtown using scooters and eventually made their way to the Santa Monica Pier. While there, xQc decided to cool off with a slushie at Bubba Gump restaurant.

Recognized by the restaurant staff, xQc decided to have some fun and use a randomizer to determine the tip amount for the waitress. To everyone’s surprise, it landed on the highest amount of $1,200. He personally handed the generous tip to the waitress, assuring her that it was no mistake.

Wholesome Gesture or Misunderstood?

The waitress was shocked by the substantial tip and initially thought xQc was joking. After explaining the randomizer to her, she expressed her gratitude. However, some fans speculated that she may have still been skeptical or found xQc’s rapid speech difficult to understand.

Before approaching the waitress, xQc had expressed nervousness and hoped to downplay the event to avoid it becoming a big deal. Despite the chaotic nature of the interaction, many fans found the gesture heartwarming. Some pondered whether xQc would have followed through with the randomizer if it had landed on a smaller amount.